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Why does the staff not do shit?


New member
I know it may be the first of you all hearing this, but there's quite the issue with bullying going on within some rooms. It's annoying because I get told to block a user? Which accomplishes nothing when they continue to do so, but I am then unable to see what they say, so I stand up for myself since that is all that I could do since the staff won't do more, but then because of this I am punished. Why do the victims get punished so much??? It's literally like I'm in school again where the bullies do whatever they want and the staff appear ignorant. I know you only see what is being reported, but really? You have to take this that far out of context? I reported people for talking about molesting people and guess what? Absolutely nothing happened. I just feel like it's hypocrisy and like I'm in North Korea while on the chat. Please for the love of god do better!