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Why do I get punished when the person escalating the issue or making it worse doesn't?


New member
I don't normally fight or try to at least, but this user Cam1 constantly has been poking at me all day long. He doesn't say anything really worth being kicked/banned for. It's just constant harassment (I think is the correct word?). However, when I say something that is subtly inappropriate in response after ignoring him all day long I get kicked. I feel like there's no look at all into context in most of these situations.

A lot of other users complain about a user name Autizzim as well who is constantly talking, saying bad things, and doing inappropriate things, but no punishment on her either despite being exposed for saying the n word by various users.

I am not sure what the issue here is because some users get kicked for minor, little things, but then when other users are reported for saying similar things or worse things almost always nothing happens to them. I'm not asking for the staff to be there 24/7 or whatever. One of my friends got accidentally kicked for saying she's fat (talking about herself), but then when I reported someone for saying "fat bitches" which I imagine is disrespectful nothing happened.

It just gives off a lot of pick and choose or favoritism vibes to some people which I'm sure isn't the goal here. It just gives off that vibe. I did report a user that constantly said bad words and even has the word "gooning" in her bio which for those who don't know it means "edging".

This isn't meant to come off as a complaint really. More so, just pointing out unfair things that occur when some staff aren't on. Also, why do I keep son being accidentally banned? It's happened like three times now.
Also, why do I keep son being accidentally banned? It's happened like three times now.
I won't speak to any of the rest of your post as I am not staff but what do you mean by this? Are you getting a reason on the ban screen when this comes up? Is it going away after a certain amount of time? Please provide some more detail so 321 may investigate this better.
I won't speak to any of the rest of your post as I am not staff but what do you mean by this? Are you getting a reason on the ban screen when this comes up? Is it going away after a certain amount of time? Please provide some more detail so 321 may investigate this better.
No reason really. I got banned with the reason "admitted to bypassing." Like two or three times, come here and appeal, then get an apology and say that it was a mistake after investing further on my account. Not sure why, though.
I don't normally fight or try to at least, but this user Cam1 constantly has been poking at me all day long. He doesn't say anything really worth being kicked/banned for. It's just constant harassment (I think is the correct word?). However, when I say something that is subtly inappropriate in response after ignoring him all day long I get kicked. I feel like there's no look at all into context in most of these situations.

A lot of other users complain about a user name Autizzim as well who is constantly talking, saying bad things, and doing inappropriate things, but no punishment on her either despite being exposed for saying the n word by various users.

I am not sure what the issue here is because some users get kicked for minor, little things, but then when other users are reported for saying similar things or worse things almost always nothing happens to them. I'm not asking for the staff to be there 24/7 or whatever. One of my friends got accidentally kicked for saying she's fat (talking about herself), but then when I reported someone for saying "fat bitches" which I imagine is disrespectful nothing happened.

It just gives off a lot of pick and choose or favoritism vibes to some people which I'm sure isn't the goal here. It just gives off that vibe. I did report a user that constantly said bad words and even has the word "gooning" in her bio which for those who don't know it means "edging".

This isn't meant to come off as a complaint really. More so, just pointing out unfair things that occur when some staff aren't on. Also, why do I keep son being accidentally banned? It's happened like three times now.
Hi there 😊
Two things I will comment on here…
I don't normally fight or try to at least, but this user Cam1 constantly has been poking at me all day long. He doesn't say anything really worth being kicked/banned for. It's just constant harassment (I think is the correct word?).
You have an ignore button which would make it so you never have to see anything that this person posts... ever again. I know us mods say it often but it really is a great tool.
Also, why do I keep son being accidentally banned? It's happened like three times now.
The system bot has certain words/phrases that it will auto kick or ban someone. Unfortunately, there are things we can say in everyday chat that may trigger those actions. Should we remove those words/phrases? I don’t think so. They are in place to try and protect users from those chatters out there who are deliberately trying to hurt/harm others. Sometimes, the mods see it happen and will help. Other times, you need to go to the forum and use the appeal process. While it can be an inconvenience, I consider it a small price to pay for trying to keep the site safe for our chatters.
Not sure if this helps at all but I hope you have a great day! 😊
Hi there 😊
Two things I will comment on here…

You have an ignore button which would make it so you never have to see anything that this person posts... ever again. I know us mods say it often but it really is a great tool.

The system bot has certain words/phrases that it will auto kick or ban someone. Unfortunately, there are things we can say in everyday chat that may trigger those actions. Should we remove those words/phrases? I don’t think so. They are in place to try and protect users from those chatters out there who are deliberately trying to hurt/harm others. Sometimes, the mods see it happen and will help. Other times, you need to go to the forum and use the appeal process. While it can be an inconvenience, I consider it a small price to pay for trying to keep the site safe for our chatters.
Not sure if this helps at all but I hope you have a great day! 😊
Thank you, I do agree with the system and the auto bans/mutes. I usually have no issue with the staff actions. Just when it seems weird/doesn't make sense to me is all. Thank you. Yes, I know a justification isn't necessary for every single action