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this isnt a repeated post btw

321chat should make a hispanic latino pacific islander and white chat bc theres alr an asian and black chat

1 4 each major ethnic group - hispanic latino pacific islander asian black and white

a room specifically 4 hispanics and latinos a room specifically 4 pacific islanders a room specifically 4 asians ppl a room specifically 4 black ppl and a room specifically 4 white ppl

it doesnt get more fair

this isnt abt segregation if 321chat alr made chatrooms dividing ppl by racial and ethnic groups

its abt equality
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if its 4 the ethnic group its fine

if its 4 the racial group then 321chat should delete it

unless 321chat wants to make another 15+ chatrooms 4 all the racial groups
The rooms we have a rooms that have been on 321Chat from its very early days.

It’s what works and more added when it’s clear there is space for them.

Most of the rooms you mentioned are there for various reasons and your posts won’t change anything.

Don’t post about it again.
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