New member
So a mod and I got into an argument earlier about what happened yesterday with him having kicked my friend and her friend for so called "harassment" when what really happened was blackbeltginger(such a lame username btw) got offended by a joke that wasn't even targeted towards her and called them the c word, but guess what happens to her? NOTHING despite there being proof of it. And today the mod NiteOwl tried saying "i saw nothing like that and I think your friend is exaggerating" despite again, there is proof to that happening, then he tells her to file a complaint on here when she already did, so I feel I did the right thing and called him out on not doing his job the right way, and before yall come at me, I've been staff on other sites, so I know the job of being staff, after I did this he tried changing the subject and saying "have fun as this is what it's here for" which here's my answer to that, we could have fun if he had done his job correctly and kicked blackbeltginger and not my friend and her friend. Attached are screenshots of him trying to change the subject after I called him out on it.
What I'm trying to say is that if NiteOwl can't do his job the right way he should NOT be mod.
What I'm trying to say is that if NiteOwl can't do his job the right way he should NOT be mod.