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Who is your favorite US president?


Who is your favorite US president? Why?
  • What was their policy?
  • What did they accomplish during their presidency?
Lincoln by far. Even if he didnt initially want to/plan on it (against morals) he still listened to a black man who knew how to turn it on them in a means of political. Like i think one tatic was to improvise on laziness and removing slaves from an ideal of "cultured".
Who is your favorite US president? Why?
  • What was their policy?
  • What did they accomplish during their presidency?
He is widely admired for his leadership during the Civil War and for his efforts to abolish slavery in the United States.

Lincoln’s policy during his presidency
Focused on unifying the country and preserving the Union, as well as working towards the eventual abolition of slavery.

Achievements during his presidency
Issuing the Emancipation proclamation in 1863
Declaring all slaves in the confederate-held territory to be free.
Successfully leading the Union to victory in the Civil War which eventually led to the passage of the 13 Amendment (Abolishing slavery in the United States)
David Duke. I don't know much about him, but based on what I've read, he aspires to make America a flawless Christian nation. Just kidding.

Trying Not To Laugh Social Media GIF
He is widely admired for his leadership during the Civil War and for his efforts to abolish slavery in the United States.

Lincoln’s policy during his presidency
Focused on unifying the country and preserving the Union, as well as working towards the eventual abolition of slavery.

Achievements during his presidency
Issuing the Emancipation proclamation in 1863
Declaring all slaves in the confederate-held territory to be free.
Successfully leading the Union to victory in the Civil War which eventually led to the passage of the 13 Amendment (Abolishing slavery in the United States)
anyone is better than trump