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What's šŸ«µ occupation?


VIP Member
Where are you currently employed?


  1. Iā€™m not requesting your specific work address or location.
  2. Iā€™m only interested in the general industry or field you work in (e.g., finance, hospitality, retail, military, law enforcement, etc).
  3. If you donā€™t intend to respond with an honest answer, particularly concerning fields such as law enforcement or the military, I'm encouraging you to just withhold a response.

For those of you who are currently unemployed but interested in pursuing a specific job field, feel free to discuss it below. If someone here is already working in the field youā€™re aspiring to, they can provide insight or explain the nature of the job to help you better understand it.

I'm a teacher for foundation level students. I teach both adult learners and those with intellectual disabilities. ā™„ā™„ā™„
Projectcoƶrdinator at a power utility company. I make sure contractors do their jobs and make sure the projectworkers do a good job with making the workfolders complete. It's mostly chasing contractors and telling not too cry for money and all. But still fun and great department I work for (EV charging points)