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Well idk where to post that

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New member
What to do if Admin is making false accusations over age out of no where?
Or being too biased with someone they know from long?

can't find an answer :/
Every action taken by the mods/admins has a reason, and only false actions come from the system. If you believe an action was taken incorrectly, I suggest filing an appeal. - As for accusations, maybe try explaining your side to the admin.
gonna go out on a limb here...but i'd assume uve either listed ur age and changed it after its been seen....or u have another acct with ur age....admins CAN see everything ya know
gonna go out on a limb here...but i'd assume uve either listed ur age and changed it after its been seen....or u have another acct with ur age....admins CAN see everything ya know
Nah bro i haven't change my age even since i came here that's the thing I'm confused about
I know I'm not chatmaster, but first, I'd ask the admin, "Are you freaking kidding me?"
Yeahh NGL Admins are Pretty weird and not at all sincere at their position

Imagine an admin saying
"It was just a 30 minutes kick"
When a mod kicked for no reason ☠️

Or the Admin enquiring to mod about it

Like they will say "no it was my fault"
That's hilarious but dumb at same time

When the admins and mods r gonna be professional in reference of their position right now
Every action taken by the mods/admins has a reason, and only false actions come from the system. If you believe an action was taken incorrectly, I suggest filing an appeal. - As for accusations, maybe try explaining your side to the admin.
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