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User thats a proshipper


New member
The user skeptikal is a active proshipper (a proshipper is a person that ships a child and adult) he has shared and talked about this stuff in main before and when he gets called out he claims "its fiction because it's drawings" when someone tries explaining that it is still morally wrong he gets mad and starts saying that we need to "leave him alone". I'm not really sure If anything can be done about this. But this is absolutely disgusting and something that should not be discussed on a chat site with minors on it. Whatever you do in your free time off the site should not be discussed in front of minors. Especially something revolving around proshipping and supporting incest.


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Heres this to make more sence outta the above.
In fandom contexts, a "proshipper" is someone who supports romantic pairings, even those considered problematic (like incest, age gaps, or abusive dynamics), and believes in the freedom to create and consume fanworks featuring such pairings.

Here's a more detailed explanation:
  • "Shipping" Defined:
    In fandom, "shipping" refers to the act of supporting a romantic pairing of fictional characters.

  • Proshipper vs. Antis:
    Proshippers often stand in opposition to "anti-shippers" who disapprove of certain pairings or fanworks based on moral or ethical concerns.

    • Problematic Ships:
      Proshippers may support pairings that some consider problematic, such as those involving incest, age gaps, or abusive dynamics.
    • Freedom of Creation/Consumption:
      Proshippers generally believe in the freedom to create and consume fanworks, regardless of the nature of the pairings involved.
    • Not Necessarily Advocating Real-Life Actions:
      While proshippers may support problematic pairings in fiction, they don't necessarily advocate for such relationships in real life.
    • "Ship and Let Ship":
      A common proshipper mentality is "ship and let ship," meaning they don't care what others ship as long as it doesn't negatively impact them.
    • Practicality vs. Morality:
      Some proshippers may also view it as more practical to allow for a wider range of content to be available, rather than having content censored or removed.
Heres this to make more sence outta the above.
In fandom contexts, a "proshipper" is someone who supports romantic pairings, even those considered problematic (like incest, age gaps, or abusive dynamics), and believes in the freedom to create and consume fanworks featuring such pairings.

Here's a more detailed explanation:
  • "Shipping" Defined:
    In fandom, "shipping" refers to the act of supporting a romantic pairing of fictional characters.

  • Proshipper vs. Antis:
    Proshippers often stand in opposition to "anti-shippers" who disapprove of certain pairings or fanworks based on moral or ethical concerns.

    • Problematic Ships:
      Proshippers may support pairings that some consider problematic, such as those involving incest, age gaps, or abusive dynamics.
    • Freedom of Creation/Consumption:
      Proshippers generally believe in the freedom to create and consume fanworks, regardless of the nature of the pairings involved.
    • Not Necessarily Advocating Real-Life Actions:
      While proshippers may support problematic pairings in fiction, they don't necessarily advocate for such relationships in real life.
    • "Ship and Let Ship":
      A common proshipper mentality is "ship and let ship," meaning they don't care what others ship as long as it doesn't negatively impact them.
    • Practicality vs. Morality:
      Some proshippers may also view it as more practical to allow for a wider range of content to be available, rather than having content censored or removed.
Still. Shipping dipper and Ford???? Not only is it concerning but It's weird and disgusting as well because Ford is A LOT older than dipper and he's also dippers great uncle.