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Unfair Treatment by Mod


New member
I want to go on a bit of a tangent here on a mod by the name of "hop" I was asking this mod for some clarification on something. That issue in being if someone I knew had a username change.
Couple friends and I were somewhat curious. Anyways, after he looked through and all, he looked at my profile and told me to "Stay out of the teens room" because I had just recently put my age at 77 despite me being the age of 19. I didn't get the big deal due to others have done it prior to I. I felt like this was him targeting someone. I get that he's trying to do his job and so forth but there's no need to threaten me by saying "If you wish to appeal, do so." Felt like this him threatening me and trying to find an excuse to ban me. I get that I haven't had the best reputation over the last year or so but I'm learning from my mistakes. Just wanted to say something about this because I felt targeted and unwelcomed by a staff member despite me doing nothing wrong. Thanks!


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You are mistaking speaking matter of a fact as threatening. Your profile is over the age limit, to reverse any actions ban/mute/kick you must submit an appeal, and you're trying to deflect your actions with the childish excuses of:

Everyone does it
That's not fair.

Take responsiblity for yourself and dont do stupid stuff then whine when you get actioned.

Every part of this is simple and dry. I applaud you for learning and growing up. Take this scenario and learn from this as well because you're the one wrong in every aspect of this.
I should know, I’ve been on both sides of the fence and am still suffering the consequences, rightfully so.

It’s best to just operate within the rules and not worry about what other people do. Mods have discretion, and they sometimes get it wrong. The appeals process is there for a reason, regardless of what anyone might think of it.
To add to that, one of the mods put her age at 83.
I think you're referring to me, and yes i do have my age set at 83 but your case is different it's built on a mistake, you're just taking it a little too far I can see the full picture and you're right but i think what's done is done.

You're not banned nor kicked nor muted and you're still in the teen chat, to prevent that from happening you could add a note in your "about me" to prevent it from happening ever again.

For me, everyone knows my real age and no one in the right mind would let a senior or an adult mod a teen chat room.