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Talking about a movie

I recently watched the 2017 Power Rangers remake movie and to me the movie was amazing because unlike the other PR films in this one they had to work to earn their armor, zords, and abilities and they had to connect to each other because they barely knew one another, not just that but I love how that time they made the backstories to each ranger, for instance Jason, before he gets sent into detention he was a pro football player who had a chance at getting into the big leagues before he found the coins with Billy, overall I really had high hopes for a sequel to this movie but sadly a lot of people spread hate about it and a sequel never happened despite the absolute end of the movie teasing Tommy Oliver who I know if a sequel had happened would've been the green ranger
I haven’t seen it, but I might watch it based on this review.

It’s a crying shame that Jason David Frank (original Green / White Ranger) passed at such a young age, so not sure if the Tommy Oliver you mentioned being teased is a new version of the character, or the one JDF portrayed.
I haven’t seen it, but I might watch it based on this review.

It’s a crying shame that Jason David Frank (original Green / White Ranger) passed at such a young age, so not sure if the Tommy Oliver you mentioned being teased is a new version of the character, or the one JDF portrayed.
Maybe a new version to him because none of the Rangers were the exact same to the original except for their names