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Agreed. Especially "educate". There is so much homophobia out there. Homophobia usually happens when one person is afraid to confront their own sexuality, and thus applies that fear to people who were brave enough to take on that exploration. They think that making others afraid will correct their own personal sexual doubt and ambiguity. It actually kind of sickens me.

These are the same people that are fucking their children up through making a terrible example of how to be a proper role model. Women (and children) have it hard enough without true sexual fear making it even more difficult for them to be who they are. I wish we could all just explore who we want to be, sexually. I am not really conservative sexually, I believe in kinks and fetishes, for these are avenues for becoming more comfortable in our own skin. If someone wants to say they are bisexual one day, then gay the next, then experiment with being trans, then shift to straight. I mean, who the fuck cares? People who control others' sex need to get a life and possibly deserve correctional enforcement by authorities.

Let's leave politics out of the equation too. Politics and sex have no business going together. Actually, politics has no business anywhere. I believe in leadership, not politics. Politics are a means of control which ultimately is a means of taking peoples' money. Sickening. SMH.
You're either right or wrong. Supporting both right and wrong is wrong. If we view pedophilia and zoophilia as unethical, am I wrong to view homosexuality and transvestism as unethical?
You're either right or wrong. Supporting both right and wrong is wrong. If we view pedophilia and zoophilia as unethical, am I wrong to view homosexuality and transvestism as unethical?
I don't see the two groupings as comparable side by side. Sexual interactions between two consenting adults is nowhere near the same as coerced, manipulated, or forced sex on a animal or child.

If you were meaning it from a conservative stand point then maybe its all the same to convservatives but as as a society we have deemed two of them (homoseuxality and Trans) as ways of life and the other two (pedos and animal) as unlawful.
@Lewandowski well let me rephrase sexuality is not but preferences can be. But zoo and ped are not preferences to me. They are perverse mental illnesses.
I wouldn’t say ped and zoo are worthy of being described as discriminated against. When I said earlier it’s a mental illness I don’t mean that these people can be rehabilitated or that their crimes should be lessened.

For me it boils down to does something regarding the bedroom bring harm to others.

Most things done behind closed doors doesn’t bother anyone except the people through history that have stuck their nose in other’s business. Ped/zoo directly cause harm to the physical and mental well-being of someone.
@Laban Pedophilia is a sexual preference for pedophiles, just as zoophilia is a sexual preference for zoophiles. Would you oppose them openly influencing the public with their sexual preferences? Why?
@Laban Pedophilia is a sexual preference for pedophiles, just as zoophilia is a sexual preference for zoophiles. Would you oppose them openly influencing the public with their sexual preferences? Why?
I very much would because of the reasoning mentioned prior. It imposes harm and force.
Sure I guess you could say. But that doesn’t mean I am closed minded. If the physical harm ( I don’t want to go into detail too much here about what I’m meaning) is between 2 consensual adults that’s fine. There’s nothing consensual between adults/animals & adults/children.

I go about many things with a Utilitarianism ethical theory. Now while not 1 theory can solve every dilemma I usually start there.
This sums up nicely the view I have in decision making;

The nature of utilitarianism​

Utilitarianism is an effort to provide an answer to the practical question “What ought a person to do?” The answer is that a person ought to act so as to maximize happiness or pleasure and to minimize unhappiness or pain.

It’s not taking away the importance of a person but allowing choices to yield a greater good for the many.

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