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Should a Mod Post Something Like This?

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Okay... And?

If you have tried to publicly out a staff member for this, it's kinda silly.
I do not believe it's "silly." It's my opinion, and others, that this kind of thing is not acceptable. Older people may think differently, but our opinions should mean the same as any others. I would post this no matter who the person is/was.

If someone makes a statement, others do have the right to respond. Making "funny" comments on the attempted assassination of another is not humorous to many.

People here in the U.S. have been "cancelled" for saying this type of thing. You may not like others, but things said can overstep what should be admissible. All users of 321 have learned this to be true and have been banned for less.

Thanks for the replies and no hard feelings from my side.
This was posted, out of the blue, in the Politics room.
Yes he is racist maga
An evangelical terrorist who believes that Jesus Christ will descend when millions of people and of course Muslims are exterminated, as if he is a prophet of terrorism and not a prophet of peace.

In fact, he literally said that the annihilation of the people of Gaza is inevitable for peace to prevail?! Exactly like Hitler's ideas.
and i have the Video.
but as I said, his racism, extremism, and extreme ignorance are not a defect here. The important thing is to be obedient. Here they are dealing with a gang approach, where they protect each other while knowing that they are protecting a colleague who is racist or deviant, because the most important thing is money.
As for the other racist, the narcissistic English admin, he sees the extermination of those who are now being exterminated as terrorism, but this white trash pig does not see the killing of 20,000 Palestinian children by an army of the strongest beasts as terrorism, but rather as self-defense. Have you ever seen an occupier in history who has the right to defend himself from the owners of the land? This is how their corrupt and dirty minds are here. They are hypocrites and deal with terrible double standards and are cowards who fear any free discussion.
Okay... And?

If you have tried to publicly out a staff member for this, it's kinda silly.
Of course the most important thing is the story of the dirtiest racist characters because you are one gang. You know what this Zionist evangelical pig says and does. He calls for freedom struggles and he is confident that behind dirty characters like you, without any morals, will protect him. But as I explained, you will only bark at any user to terrorize him, expel him, or deter him from complaining because you are too cowardly to engage in a logical or fair dialogue.
Look at the gang's path... they will all enter the topic and comment to try to find fault with the one who complains and even make him regret that he complained about one of the racists, in an action that truly indicates a gang mentality.
I do not believe it's "silly." It's my opinion, and others, that this kind of thing is not acceptable. Older people may think differently, but our opinions should mean the same as any others. I would post this no matter who the person is/was.

If someone makes a statement, others do have the right to respond. Making "funny" comments on the attempted assassination of another is not humorous to many.

People here in the U.S. have been "cancelled" for saying this type of thing. You may not like others, but things said can overstep what should be admissible. All users of 321 have learned this to be true and have been banned for less.

Thanks for the replies and no hard feelings from my side.
You will not get anything. Their MAGA, racist, terrorist friend will remain unharmed, and you will be distorted or ridiculed.
My mom died many years ago and was never fat, but YOU are still banned.
This is how the brains of Trump's zombie work, who live a sad life in the South or the Bible Belt, spitting on the ground and with yellow teeth. They hate everyone and are anti-social. The most important thing in his miserable life is the chat room, which he considers his alternative world, and so he refers to the ban as if it were a curse that hit me while he was still in heaven ,😁.

These are the best mentalities that the pimp Trump can use, this class, because they are ignorant, their lives are low, and they are extremists, so it is easy to direct them and inflate the superego in those sick minds by saying that they are the best races and that coz they are white lol
This is how the brains of Trump's zombie work, who live a sad life in the South or the Bible Belt, spitting on the ground and with yellow teeth. They hate everyone and are anti-social. The most important thing in his miserable life is the chat room, which he considers his alternative world, and so he refers to the ban as if it were a curse that hit me while he was still in heaven ,😁.

These are the best mentalities that the pimp Trump can use, this class, because they are ignorant, their lives are low, and they are extremists, so it is easy to direct them and inflate the superego in those sick minds by saying that they are the best races and that coz they are white lol
Stop posting on this thread. What you're posting has nothing to do with what was originally said. Start your own thread and ramble on it forever if you want.
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Stop posting on this thread. What you're posting has nothing to do with what was originally said. Start your own thread and ramble on it forever if you want.
No bitch i will post as i want and you can eat the Holy shit coming out of your Lord Trump's holy ass ...
No bitch i will post as i want and you can eat the Holy shit coming out of your Lord Trump's holy ass ...
WRONG again. Trump is not my man.

Keep acting childish and showing everyone why you are banned. Hard to take you seriously in any subject.

Have fun with your diatribes. I, for one, am no longer reading them or responding.
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