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Saying something about my job


New member
Ok so quick question, am I the only one who's happy when they get off work and no longer have to deal with people making stupid arguments?

Because that happened to me today, I was at work, doing my job the same way I've been told to do it since day 1 which basically just restock shelves or if customers needed help then help them, someone who just started a month ago while I was working there for 2 years and doing what I was required, came up to me and told me I wasn't doing the job of our position right, I wanted to snap and say something but I just kept my cool and explained to them that what I was doing is what I was asked to do since the day I started and then explained what's required for our position and after doing that they said something along the lines of "i don't need your help i know how to do the job" again, I wanted to snap but after that I just went back to doing my job because if I would've snapped I would've been fired, but fucking hell.

1. Don't tell me that I'm doing my job wrong when I've been doing what I was required to do for 2 years

2. Since he's newer than I am accept that I'm trying to help him understand what we're required to do on our job positions