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Peace out 321, my gf and i are done with this shithole of a site ✌️

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As the title says, my gf and I, were done with what everyone calls a "good site" it's not good at all. Some stupid ass staff member banned us for so called "compromised account" which is beyond stupid as fuck, do you staff ever think "hey maybe they're in the same house and use the same wifi" instead of ALWAYS relying on an instant "ban them" attitude. Fucking hell. And that isn't the only thing that makes 321 a shithole. There's so many other things but I'm not getting into heavy details. Just saying my gf and I are done with this so called "good site" when in reality it's a shithole where staff find ANY REASON to ban ANYONE.

Overall, 321 is a fucking waste of time to be on with how much drama is allowed and everything else
Thank you for your spirited response. The fact remains that both accounts are logging in from the same IP address, which our rules clearly classify as account sharing and by extension, a sign of compromised credentials. Seeing as our steadfast commitment to enforcing our site standards hasn't exactly matched your idea of a "good site." While you might view our rules as overkill, they're in place to ensure the integrity and security of our community—even if that means your expectations of leniency are left behind.

Good luck and take care on finding another chat platform.
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