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Alienation- to persuade/brainwash a child to not want anything to do with the other parent."
"His ex-wife ''alienated'' John from his kids''
The court systems do not recognize it yet here in Canada.

I hope this helps to explain, if there is anything else you would like too know just ask! :)
Mystery Explanation
Where do you stand on this topic? I am in Canada and we have our own weird family court system? What country are you from? Is it against the law?... Really curious on this matter! Thanks All!.
i cannot read your text message. use dark mode like a normal person. use the normal font color like a normal person too. do not act so edgy. it is cringeworthy. 😬
Alienation- to persuade/brainwash a child to not want anything to do with the other parent."
"His ex-wife ''alienated'' John from his kids''
The court systems do not recognize it yet here in Canada.

I hope this helps to explain, if there is anything else you would like too know just ask! :)
Mystery Explanation
ok,thanks for your definition :)
Alienation- to persuade/brainwash a child to not want anything to do with the other parent."
"His ex-wife ''alienated'' John from his kids''
The court systems do not recognize it yet here in Canada.

I hope this helps to explain, if there is anything else you would like too know just ask! :)
Mystery Explanation
Thanks! My mother used the word brainwash when I was very little.It scared me back then because I thought to brainwash the kids meant that dad was going to put our brains in the washing machine.

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