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Opinions on the new update

I personally like the new update and the new features we have. We have a share gold feature now and I wonder what the main purpose of it is!

Though the chat gui is much different and things are in different areas of the chat interface, I think we'll manage to adapt to the new adjustments in due time!
I like it has a nice fresh feel, didn't take long to get used to at all.

The only issue I have is that some accounts (including mine) can't add, delete or alter moods as the link is missing. Some people have the option others don't but I'm figuring that will be sorted once the various glitches are addressed.
gender pfp colors are missing.....link to the message boards is missing.....quizbot is apparently on a vacation.....VIPs still see adnoyer.....the option to "hide" a comment is not as welcome as the "delete" option, people can say things in error and now it will remain for all to see, and possibly get muted or banned for a comment made in error then immediately deleted.....

would be nice if the "69 year old teens" could have their actual ages posted so there's no misunderstandings or access to restricted rooms
oh another thing...unless the page is maximized, the room list bar blocks the timestamp / ...

used to always be there no matter my screen size..its a very wide room list bar!!!
What're your opinions on the new chat site update? I want to hear them because lore dump and I get to hear other sides.

One complaint... I've gotten used to chat being in the middle of the screen.
Being on the left-hand side now, it's a real mind-fuck for me. (I use a computer) It'll take time to get used to.

Other than that, the new features are radical. (y)

Bored New Year GIF
Not sure what you mean by this.ok this is my screen with my windows not all the way maxed so i can have my running clock showing...the date and time and dots are missing or rather covered up by the room list of names :


but when i max my window out...the date and time and the three dots shows up...before this update, the date/time/dots would still be there in either instance

One complaint... I've gotten used to chat being in the middle of the screen.
Being on the left-hand side now, it's a real mind-fuck for me. (I use a computer) It'll take time to get used to.

Other than that, the new features are radical. (y)

I've gotten used to it. I spoke too soon. My bad.✌️

Season 3 Lol GIF by The Office
Season 2 Lol GIF by The Office
Season 4 Ok GIF by The Office
Head Lol GIF
so i was on my laptop....took a pic with my phone to share in the room...go to log in on my phone, it kicks me out on my laptop....then signing in on my laptop kicked me out on my phone

so i was on my laptop....took a pic with my phone to share in the room...go to log in on my phone, it kicks me out on my laptop....then signing in on my laptop kicked me out on my phone

I normally just stay on laptop, the interface is slightly better there
I normally just stay on laptop, the interface is slightly better there
yeah but say im on the laptop like i am now...and i wanna take a pic of somethin and paste it in...i have to either log in on phone / get logged out laptop / post pic / log in laptop again....or log into say fb, save my pic there, then copy / paste.....id rather just grab my phone, take the pic and paste it in without being logged out ....i mean theres even a camera option for the file uploading for that very reason
yeah but say im on the laptop like i am now...and i wanna take a pic of somethin and paste it in...i have to either log in on phone / get logged out laptop / post pic / log in laptop again....or log into say fb, save my pic there, then copy / paste.....id rather just grab my phone, take the pic and paste it in without being logged out ....i mean theres even a camera option for the file uploading for that very reason
sounds valid enough, the update just makes things moderately tougher
so, I have an idea of how to use the new coins. i was thinking what if the coins could be used for temporary VIP (i said temp vip because of the people already having to pay for it). also for people like me that are on a lot but just don't have the $$ to get it, it would be nice for someone that really likes the website to get a chance to get the perks.