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My cis female partner constantly emasculates me

I see a lot of excuses and nothing proactive happening.

Pack your shit, leave your girlfriend, dont give her your new address, block her number and on social media, and if anything persists continue to go to the police so there are reports of the incidents happening.
I see a lot of excuses and nothing proactive happening.

Pack your shit, leave your girlfriend, dont give her your new address, block her number and on social media, and if anything persists continue to go to the police so there are reports of the incidents happening.
Sorry for the late reply.

The police came over after i called them, as my partner was THREATENING to butcher me over not letting her playfully kick me in the nuts repeatly.

When the cops arrived they threw me to the ground and knelt on my back. I asked them why as my gf screamed at them to stop and called them fascist pigs.

I WAS THROWN INTO THE POLICE CAR and one of the cops pointed 👉 to my defend the police flag on my window and said "that yours boy?"

I'm anti-racist and a BLM supporter and display the flags infront of our house aswell as a defund the police I am a proud ally and against injustice of all kinds I would prefer if a social worker or a therapist could be called but I was scared of dying.

I have been charge with battery of a police officer because one of the cops fell off me as the 3 knelt on my head and DV. My gf was threatened with a gun for spitting in a cops mouth and she is also charged.

How am i going to fight these charges.
Fly to outer space and reside in a habitable planet. No more worrying about your girlfriend or modern day inconveniences as we know today.
maybe because this is an all-ages site and forum and 13yos can see this? or do u think it's ok to breach these subjects with minors watching?

and im not homophobic whatsoever, but go ahead and continue ASSuming i am
If a thread has the word sexual in the title I doubt they 13 yr olds would be able to see.
I cant understand it tbh. If I caught my daughter on these forums or in the chatroom I'd be hysterical. Dangerous
When I go to fill my car with petrol, I'll usually wear the plastic gloves they provide, she will accuse me of being gay as "straight men don't wear gloves". - Sorry to break it to you, gay men don't wear gloves when filling their car up either and it is a personal choice to wear gloves and there is nothing wrong with it. Your partner is a bigot.

When we go to Starbucks, I usually order hot chocolate (as I'm not a huge coffee guy), she'll tell me "hot chocolate is for little boys who sleep next to their mom". - lots of adults are not coffee and tea drinkers and prefer a hot chocolate - Your girlfriend is a bigot.

One time, I was at her apartment, waiting to go out and she was still in the bathroom, I decided to try on some of her jewelry and take a few selfies, she got enraged accusing me of being a "closet trans woman". - Men wear jewellery just as much as women. Your girlfriend is a bigot.

During intimacy, if I ever suggest doing anything with her ass she'll hit me and call me some kind of homophobic slur. - your girlfriend is a bigot.

How do I stand up to her - You don't have to, and you already knew that.
When I go to fill my car with petrol, I'll usually wear the plastic gloves they provide, she will accuse me of being gay as "straight men don't wear gloves". - Sorry to break it to you, gay men don't wear gloves when filling their car up either and it is a personal choice to wear gloves and there is nothing wrong with it. Your partner is a bigot.

When we go to Starbucks, I usually order hot chocolate (as I'm not a huge coffee guy), she'll tell me "hot chocolate is for little boys who sleep next to their mom". - lots of adults are not coffee and tea drinkers and prefer a hot chocolate - Your girlfriend is a bigot.

One time, I was at her apartment, waiting to go out and she was still in the bathroom, I decided to try on some of her jewelry and take a few selfies, she got enraged accusing me of being a "closet trans woman". - Men wear jewellery just as much as women. Your girlfriend is a bigot.

During intimacy, if I ever suggest doing anything with her ass she'll hit me and call me some kind of homophobic slur. - your girlfriend is a bigot.

How do I stand up to her - You don't have to, and you already knew that.
I feel she has room to improve her wrong thinking
I feel she has room to improve her wrong thinking
Improve in what? Being a silly twat? Improve her foul mouth?
You cant improve anything when someones not gonna change their attitude is rooted right the way through them . Their whole outlook in life is distorted . A bully is a bully end of . No covering it up.
Ya cant put lipstick on a pig
Improve in what? Being a silly twat? Improve her foul mouth?
You cant improve anything when someones not gonna change their attitude is rooted right the way through them . Their whole outlook in life is distorted . A bully is a bully end of . No covering it up.
Ya cant put lipstick on a pig
At this point, I don't feel sorry for you. Just break up with her. If it gets to the point of going into an online site to complain, then she would just sound exhausting and toxic as shit.
At this point, I don't feel sorry for you. Just break up with her. If it gets to the point of going into an online site to complain, then she would just sound exhausting and toxic as shit.
indeed, but if people don't see themself as broken, then they are not going to want to change their way, and if you even try, it will turned back on to you with more derogatory labels to belittle you.
I have read and re-read your advice and I think I am going to break up with her this will be hard butt I am going to try thank you
My girlfriend constantly seeks to emasculate me, often attacking my masculinity.

I'll give some examples below...

When I go to fill my car with petrol, I'll usually wear the plastic gloves they provide, she will accuse me of being gay as "straight men don't wear gloves".

When we go to Starbucks, I usually order hot chocolate (as I'm not a huge coffee guy), she'll tell me "hot chocolate is for little boys who sleep next to their mom".

One time, I was at her apartment, waiting to go out and she was still in the bathroom, I decided to try on some of her jewelry and take a few selfies, she got enraged accusing me of being a "closet trans woman".

When we are on nights out, she purposely tries to start fights with other women and expects me to back her up, often I just pull her away from the situation and she accuses me of being scared of the women she's tussling with.

During intimacy, if I ever suggest doing anything with her ass she'll hit me and call me some kind of homophobic slur.

How do I stand up to her 😩
Maybe just dump her “ass” and find someone mire open minded. All about being happy!
My girlfriend constantly seeks to emasculate me, often attacking my masculinity.

I'll give some examples below...

When I go to fill my car with petrol, I'll usually wear the plastic gloves they provide, she will accuse me of being gay as "straight men don't wear gloves".

When we go to Starbucks, I usually order hot chocolate (as I'm not a huge coffee guy), she'll tell me "hot chocolate is for little boys who sleep next to their mom".

One time, I was at her apartment, waiting to go out and she was still in the bathroom, I decided to try on some of her jewelry and take a few selfies, she got enraged accusing me of being a "closet trans woman".

When we are on nights out, she purposely tries to start fights with other women and expects me to back her up, often I just pull her away from the situation and she accuses me of being scared of the women she's tussling with.

During intimacy, if I ever suggest doing anything with her ass she'll hit me and call me some kind of homophobic slur.

How do I stand up to her 😩
How long did you date before truly knowing her. If have met many toxic women especially from my favourite dating platform sugarbook. Of course they come for the resource but i take them on dates and gauge them before going any further. Yours seem too late. I would suggest fcking her brains out and taming her. Ask her how did the 'gay man' tame her?

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