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Mod abuse

You were given a verbal warning. You were then given a systems warning. And then just a minor room block.

You came into the room did not say hello the first thing you said was: that you wanted to bring John Lennon back and kill him yourself.
And then you proceeded to say F*** The Beatles.

This is a 13+ room and you have been here long enough to know better than to act like that.
A room block is like a slap on the hand. I could have muted you but I did not because you could still go to other rooms and chat .
I could have kicked you but I did not,
If you're going to act like this then you must accept the responsibility for the choices that you knowingly make.
You were given a verbal warning. You were then given a systems warning. And then just a minor room block.

You came into the room did not say hello the first thing you said was: that you wanted to bring John Lennon back and kill him yourself.
And then you proceeded to say F*** The Beatles.

This is a 13+ room and you have been here long enough to know better than to act like that.
A room block is like a slap on the hand. I could have muted you but I did not because you could still go to other rooms and chat .
I could have kicked you but I did not,
If you're going to act like this then you must accept the responsibility for the choices that you knowingly make.
You did kick me though. I got a one hr ban. No warning or anything. Another mod told me to post this here. You gotta come down off your power trip bro. It wasn’t even that crazy of a thing to say. Pretty tame compared to a lot of what’s said there.