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Making a suggestion for room rules


New member
This issue does not involve anyone being banned or kicked.

The religion room is designed for the discussion of religious and ethical topics. Politics are not allowed, like no discussing political candidates and stuff. That is all perfectly reasonable.

The problem arises when an issue that certainly involves religion and ethics is shut down by a mod because he says it is political. These issues are things like prayer in the schools or setting up a monument of the 10 commandments and whether a statue of Baphomet in public should be tolerated. We were told that if the topic happens on government grounds, including schools or national parks, or has any poltical representative take a side, we are not allowed to discuss it (even if we don't mention the politician). We are not talking about a single incident, but something that has gone on for a very long time involving many different people discussing many different religious issues.

Consider that using this interpretation of "political" consistantly, across the board, we would not be able to discuss the immorality of the Holocaust because it invovled a political party. W It just doesn't make sense to have that broad a definition of what constitutes a political discussion. It simply doesn't aciknowledge the clearly religious/ethical nature of these kinds of discussion.

Is there any way that the admins could make a rulilng on what the dividing line is between a political topic and a religious or ethical topic?

And for whatever it's worth, I personally always cooperate with a mods decision to shut cown a topic. It's just that sometimes it makes me very angry.
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This issue does not involve anyone being banned or kicked.

The religion room is designed for the discussion of religious and ethical topics. Politics are not allowed, like no discussing political candidates and stuff. That is all perfectly reasonable.

The problem arises when an issue that certainly involves religion and ethics is shut down by a mod because he says it is political. These issues are things like prayer in the schools or setting up a monument of the 10 commandments and whether a statue of Baphomet in public should be tolerated. We were told that if the topic happens on government grounds, including schools or national parks, or has any poltical representative take a side, we are not allowed to discuss it (even if we don't mention the politician). We are not talking about a single incident, but something that has gone on for a very long time involving many different people discussing many different religious issues.

Consider that using this interpretation of "political" consistantly, across the board, we would not be able to discuss the immorality of the Holocaust because it invovled a political party. W It just doesn't make sense to have that broad a definition of what constitutes a political discussion. It simply doesn't aciknowledge the clearly religious/ethical nature of these kinds of discussion.

Is there any way that the admins could make a rulilng on what the dividing line is between a political topic and a religious or ethical topic?

And for whatever it's worth, I personally always cooperate with a mods decision to shut cown a topic. It's just that sometimes it makes me very angry.
Hello, @KosherGal
  • I've tagged the superadmin and some moderators for you. I agree with you on that.
    • What’s the point of having a politics room if users can’t discuss public administration, political parties, decision-making, and similar topics?
I've never been to the politics room, honestly. I prefer to avoid those kinds of discussions.
