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Is there something wrong with me? F14


New member
I’ve recently found that no matter how many times I’ve tried to be in a relationship with someone my age or around it, I have no idea how to function around them and I genuinely can’t feel or force myself to be attracted to them. And for about two years I’ve come to the realization that once I’m eighteen I might only go for men in their late thirties. I’m fine with being “lonely” until then, but is there something mentally wrong with me?
I’ve recently found that no matter how many times I’ve tried to be in a relationship with someone my age or around it, I have no idea how to function around them and I genuinely can’t feel or force myself to be attracted to them. And for about two years I’ve come to the realization that once I’m eighteen I might only go for men in their late thirties. I’m fine with being “lonely” until then, but is there something mentally wrong with me?
You shouldn't stare at the surface when emotions are entangled. It's easy to become captivated by physical appearance, but what's underneath counts most. Pay attention to their qualities, motivations, and history. That's what makes a person unique, not just their age or their appearance.

I'm not proposing you go out and pick the first person who looks like they just crawled out of a dumpster and treat them to a five-star dinner. But, take the time to engage with them, ask questions, and get to know who they are. You’ll be surprised how much more you’ll learn when you focus on what lies beyond the surface. Characters outweigh physical appearance. Don’t be so quick to judge someone by how they look, take the time to look beneath the surface, and you might discover more than you expected.

— As for your question, @gif ...

@gif There’s no right/wrong in this situation. Everyone's preferences are diverse, and you're not "mental" or broken because of it. What’s important is understanding your feelings, knowing what drives them, and being honest with yourself. Relationships aren’t one-size-fits-all. It's all about finding the right fit, not just going along with the crowd.
I’ve recently found that no matter how many times I’ve tried to be in a relationship with someone my age or around it, I have no idea how to function around them and I genuinely can’t feel or force myself to be attracted to them. And for about two years I’ve come to the realization that once I’m eighteen I might only go for men in their late thirties. I’m fine with being “lonely” until then, but is there something mentally wrong with me?
chill, you're only 14 there's sooooo many other things you can do instead of being in a relationship. just let things flow as they do
There will always be a special person out there. Relationships aren't the most important. The mind always changes, as do Them.
I’ve recently found that no matter how many times I’ve tried to be in a relationship with someone my age or around it, I have no idea how to function around them and I genuinely can’t feel or force myself to be attracted to them. And for about two years I’ve come to the realization that once I’m eighteen I might only go for men in their late thirties. I’m fine with being “lonely” until then, but is there something mentally wrong with me?
You are 14. You have plenty of time for relationships. Work on friendships and developing skills/hobbies. You're still growing, physically, but also intellectually and emotionally. By finding hobbies and activities you like, you may also find people closer to your age to be friends with.
You are 14. You have plenty of time for relationships. Work on friendships and developing skills/hobbies. You're still growing, physically, but also intellectually and emotionally. By finding hobbies and activities you like, you may also find people closer to your age to be friends with.

wtf? why are we dealing with 14yos today???