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I'm just looking for an online relationship


New member
I'm m(20), live in new york city, and currently I'm mostly just trying to get back into the dating scene, so far I had no luck with trying to find a date through actual dating sites, and even trying the alternative that was reddit itself was no help (you hear me right about that part),
To describe myself, mostly a dominican nerd with some knowledge with technology and video games, gets by at college one step at a time, 5'8 in height, becoming an audio and visual maker.

what I asking for in a woman
18-26 year old
Can do long distance chatting
and is great support for love and gaming

If theres any guys, I would mostly treat like brothers and be helpful in gaming and talks
Feel free to come and chat in the adult room :) We have a great bunch of regular chatters and I for one love seeing new peeps join the group :) Getting to know people is a great place to start :)
I get it – looking for an online relationship can be a cool way to connect with someone. It’s not always easy, but it’s nice because you can meet people from all over the world and see where things go. If you’re looking for something more meaningful, I’ve found some great sites like Tosituhma.com - Löydä seksiseuraa ja sovi seksitreffit jo tänään that might help. It’s nice because they cater to people who want to build genuine connections. Just be open, take your time, and remember to enjoy the process. Sometimes the best relationships come from the most unexpected places.
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