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Hello! What is happening? Anyone know? Is anyone else having the same issues as me? I cannot even get back into the room. I know I am not banned.

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Having problems! ??? Can someone help or fix the site it must be down or broken?
I was in the adult room then it took me to another room this is strange then took me back to the adult room, I was just in one private message and now it will not even let me log in to my account. I am not banned or kicked or muted either. It says doesn't have an account, but I have this one account. Sometimes I would talk in main room. Does anyone know what is going on with this site? I am so confused. It keeps saying incorrected username / or email when I tried to logged in. Over and over again. Please help me! I do not understand what is going on. I cannot get back in. Weird things happen here. It is like a ghost. I hope it gets fixed soon. The site went dead on me. I never seen this happen and I am brand new here. I can talk on here forums. Have a lovely day. Thank you!

CakeBy TheOceanxoxo
My account I guess was deleted. A mod here just told me to make a brand new one. But I lost my VIP on here. So I guess if you werIe banned you have to start all over again. Sadly! I am new here and have not even been here one month less then one month. I am mad that my account got deleted and lost my account and lost my VIP that I was on here.
I'm sorry you lost your VIP account we can get that sorted out .. your welcome to message me ♡

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