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Hello! What is happening? Anyone know? Is anyone else having the same issues as me? I cannot even get back into the room. I know I am not banned.

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Having problems! ??? Can someone help or fix the site it must be down or broken?
I was in the adult room then it took me to another room this is strange then took me back to the adult room, I was just in one private message and now it will not even let me log in to my account. I am not banned or kicked or muted either. It says doesn't have an account, but I have this one account. Sometimes I would talk in main room. Does anyone know what is going on with this site? I am so confused. It keeps saying incorrected username / or email when I tried to logged in. Over and over again. Please help me! I do not understand what is going on. I cannot get back in. Weird things happen here. It is like a ghost. I hope it gets fixed soon. The site went dead on me. I never seen this happen and I am brand new here. I can talk on here forums. Have a lovely day. Thank you!

CakeBy TheOceanxoxo
Having problems! ??? Can someone help or fix the site it must be down or broken?
I was in the adult room then it took me to another room this is strange then took me back to the adult room, I was just in one private message and now it will not even let me log in to my account. I am not banned or kicked or muted either. It says doesn't have an account, but I have this one account. Sometimes I would talk in main room. Does anyone know what is going on with this site? I am so confused. It keeps saying incorrected username / or email when I tried to logged in. Over and over again. Please help me! I do not understand what is going on. I cannot get back in. Weird things happen here. It is like a ghost. I hope it gets fixed soon. The site went dead on me. I never seen this happen and I am brand new here. I can talk on here forums. Have a lovely day. Thank you!

CakeBy TheOceanxoxo
Apparently the chat site was hacked.. and accounts might have been deleted but hold tight It should be fixed shortly

Having problems! ??? Can someone help or fix the site it must be down or broken?
I was in the adult room then it took me to another room this is strange then took me back to the adult room, I was just in one private message and now it will not even let me log in to my account. I am not banned or kicked or muted either. It says doesn't have an account, but I have this one account. Sometimes I would talk in main room. Does anyone know what is going on with this site? I am so confused. It keeps saying incorrected username / or email when I tried to logged in. Over and over again. Please help me! I do not understand what is going on. I cannot get back in. Weird things happen here. It is like a ghost. I hope it gets fixed soon. The site went dead on me. I never seen this happen and I am brand new here. I can talk on here forums. Have a lovely day. Thank you!

CakeBy TheOceanxoxo
Hai darlin,

Most of our accounts got deleted too including the mods. Lets keep calm, and hopefully it gets fixed soon ❤️ hope you have a lovely day too!

Apparently the chat site was hacked.. and accounts might have been deleted but hold tight It should be fixed shortly

Hello Ernaline,

I hope you are doing well.

Oh okay! Thank you so very much for reaching out to me and replying back to me. Much appreciated! Yes, my account was deleted I guess by the hackers it looks like it for sure. Sad hackers! Looks like they have nothing better to do in their real life or on chat sites. I am so sorry to hear this. Oh, that is such a bummer this chat site was hacked. I do not like hackers. Has this happened before? I am brand new here. It is nice to meet you. Thanks for being a mod on here. Have a lovely day. I need to go right now. Take very good care. Thanks again! :) Hugs!

CakeBy TheOceanxoxo
Hai darlin,

Most of our accounts got deleted too including the mods. Lets keep calm, and hopefully it gets fixed soon ❤️ hope you have a lovely day too!

Thank you, pretty woman Bee. I very much appreciate you. On no mods got there's deleted too. Wow! Not good! Have a lovely day as well. I have to start my day too now. Lots of driving now. Hugs! Cheers! Take very good care. Thanks so much again for letting me know this. I am so sorry this site possibly got hacked. Terrible news! I feel badly for the chat master and everyone that got their accounts deleted like mine. Strange things do happen. Bye Bee!

CakeBy TheOceanxoxo
  • Love
Reactions: Bee
Hello Ernaline,

I hope you are doing well.

Oh okay! Thank you so very much for reaching out to me and replying back to me. Much appreciated! Yes, my account was deleted I guess by the hackers it looks like it for sure. Sad hackers! Looks like they have nothing better to do in their real life or on chat sites. I am so sorry to hear this. Oh, that is such a bummer this chat site was hacked. I do not like hackers. Has this happened before? I am brand new here. It is nice to meet you. Thanks for being a mod on here. Have a lovely day. I need to go right now. Take very good care. Thanks again! :) Hugs!

CakeBy TheOceanxoxo
Of course! I was freaking out myself and along with other accounts mine was deleted to but it's probably best to stay off site for now untill it's fixed..

And I do not believe the site has ever be hacked before I've been here 3+ years and I can not recall something like this it is very discouraging .. but everything should be fixed shortly ❤️ just have to let chat master do his thing .. I apologize for the inconvenience of this all

Of course! I was freaking out myself and along with other accounts mine was deleted to but it's probably best to stay off site for now untill it's fixed..

And I do not believe the site has ever be hacked before I've been here 3+ years and I can not recall something like this it is very discouraging .. but everything should be fixed shortly ❤️ just have to let chat master do his thing .. I apologize for the inconvenience of this all

Ive been on the chat on and off since i was 13 this is the first time ive seen it like this too 😅 #shookth

I still can not logged in. I it guess is is still down. Any new information? Thanks in advance. Just checking in again. Have a good evening. Hugs! I miss my friends. I hope everyone is okay.

CakeBy TheOceanxoxo
The only room that's there is a room that is in a different language


I still can not logged in. I it guess is is still down. Any new information? Thanks in advance. Just checking in again. Have a good evening. Hugs! I miss my friends. I hope everyone is okay.

CakeBy TheOceanxoxo
The site is currently back up it might be that your account was deleted... You can re-registered though!!

My account I guess was deleted. A mod here just told me to make a brand new one. But I lost my VIP on here. So I guess if you werIe banned you have to start all over again. Sadly! I am new here and have not even been here one month less then one month. I am mad that my account got deleted and lost my account and lost my VIP that I was on here.
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