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"Gender Transition"

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@Chatter what a lame comeback. Ur uch a condescending smarass. Ur 3 Gender bs is so transphobic. Why can't u just be accepting to trans ppl? Why tf do u h8 us? Wtf dude. U talking abt illogical subjects pfft. The same guy had a conspiracy theory on how 9 11 was all CIA holograms. Stfu
have you not learned yet what a waste of your time it is to reply to Chatter? his comments keep getting posts shut down...all ur doing is feeding his need for attention
He never really bashed transgenders, he was just confused as to why transgenders are all in the feels
and how gender transitioners are all about gettin them boovs (I’m just phrasing what he said, I have different feelings about this topic but I’d rather not share them due to me probably demonitizing the fuck out of chatmaster by making the hottest take of the year) However i do feel like he definitely could have come off as less offensive, he did get the point across.

Yeah, chatter is known for coming up with some of the most gaslighting controversial posts, but it is quite funny seeing people trying to come back after him to try to bust his chops. Bro could be a lawyer if he wanted to.

However @EdithIsBored did absolutely fall for his trick of a clout method aka the “Get views and reacts from people who disagreed with me so they’re just going to monetize and give me more popularity by responding to me with an argument haha take the L”, you don’t have to.
@Astral_Divinity Stfu he's just doing this BC he's mentally ill. He should be removed from chat and forums for his bigoted speech. He's transphobic no matter how much he lies and beats around the bush he's transphobic. He was a troll on other sites hed boast abt his "accomplishments" and belittle every minority who tried to shut him up he went by Laugher he created sites that were FILLED with antisemitic conspiracy theories and would spam the sites everywhere. Hes a condescending sociopath and should be kicked #banchatter
Ur uch a condescending smarass. Ur 3 Gender bs is so transphobic. Why can't u just be accepting to trans ppl? Why tf do u h8 us?
He's transphobic no matter how much he lies and beats around the bush he's transphobic.

There's a difference between opposing with reason and hating without one. Transphobia is a bias against transgenders.

I have no reason to hate transgenders. I did my research and arrived at a rational conclusion.
Their perspective on gender is completely different from mine. Because of this, I won't advocate for or support "Transgenderism".

I'm sorry if my earlier posts offended anyone. I can be uch a condescending smarass sometimes. Take care.✌️

The Dark Knight Joker GIF
@Chatter there u are weaseling Ur way out again and again. And then mocking me. I'm trans and I considered Ur posts very transphobic.
No crap, I’m not trans and I still find his posts to be very transphobic. I have to admit though, he does argue in a quite an educated way, even if I personally disagree with his homophobic and transphobic views.
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