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"Gender Transition"

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VIP Member
I noticed there are numerous users who are open about being transgender. I've been researching "transgenderism" and I ran into a wall when I heard about "Gender Transition". It's very illogical to me. I don't understand it well. It seems impossible to accomplish. So if anyone currently in a "Gender Transition" can help explain it, I'd really appreciate it.

For someone to change their gender. Do they just change their clothes, hair, and status? I wouldn't understand how any of those things could determine whether they're male or female. Are there certain procedures that can change their anatomy to physically make them the opposite gender?

Some users in chat mentioned they were doing "Gender Therapy". Which is basically blocking or giving oneself large quantities of estrogen or testosterone, right? I’m very aware that testosterone is produced in a female’s ovaries and a male’s testicles. Where estrogen is produced in a female’s ovaries and a male’s testis. So I wouldn’t know how adding or removing either hormone would change one’s gender. A woman who receives a high dose of testosterone will just end up being a woman with high testosterone. A man who receives a high dose of estrogen would just end up being a male with high estrogen, and vice versa.

I also heard of surgeries people go through in their "Gender Transition". Emasculation is when surgeons cut off a male's genitals. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is when surgeons cut off a female's genitals. I don't understand how removing reproductive organs would change one's gender. By the looks of it, they've just destroyed the entire purpose of their penis or vagina, right? And not to mention all the health problems from that disgusting gash they'll never be able to heal. There are other surgeries in "transitioning," which consist more of adding artificial supplements to your body and whatnot. It's just wrong to remove body parts if they aren't causing any harm.

DNA was also mentioned in "Gender Transition".
DNA consists of chromosomes. Chromosomes can usually determine what gender you are. Females normally have XX chromosomes, whereas males have XY chromosomes. And I read that it's impossible to change human DNA. There were around 400 confirmed cases of hermaphrodites (intersexuals) due to birth defects. Which isn't much. So there's that for an excuse.

From everything I read, "Gender Transition" consists more of the individual's mindset and sentiments than physically changing their gender.
It's more of a mental transition than a physical transition. Some go to the extreme and try a physical transition with hormones and surgeries. It really wouldn't be considered that much of a "Gender Transition" though. More like a "Gender Stagnation" than anything else.

So it's impossible to actually change someone's gender. Do transgenders just identify as the opposite gender just because they feel like it?
Is that all it is? Playing dress-up, toying with your body, changing your status on social media, asking or demanding ACCEPTANCE?!?!

Please explain "Gender Transition" and "Transgenderism". Please correct me if I'm wrong. It'll be much appreciated. Thanks. 😁

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transgender ppl dont change their gender they change they're presentation to make them feel more like they feel inside. theyre born as a certain sex/gender, but inside feel like they're the opposite, or they feel like another gender entirely.
"Gender Therapy" is actually called hormone replacement therapy, and it doesn't change ur gender it makes it so that ur body is more like the gender/sex u identify as.
the surgeries don't leave a "disgusting gash they'll never be able to heal" most surgeries go very well. the body parts are causing harm its very distressing to be one gender, and have the body parts of another.
yes, u cant change ur dna, but who rlly cares. u cant see dna, and ppl have different chromosomes than what they're supposed too sometimes. and dna only determines physical sex not gender.

trans ppl dont just decide to transition for no reason. they transition bc they are a different gender than what the outside shows. most of them have felt like that since they were young kids.

also transgenderism isn't a thing being trans isnt an ideology

also also when u are researching stuff make sure ur using reliable sources that aren't giving u biased information especially when it comes to topics like these where everyones trying to get u on their side
transgender ppl dont change their gender they change they're presentation to make them feel more like they feel inside.

So "Transgenderism" is a mental transition. It's nothing but how one feels.

"Gender Therapy" is actually called hormone replacement therapy, and it doesn't change ur gender it makes it so that ur body is more like the gender/sex u identify as.

So "Gender Therapy" can't change gender. It makes transgenders feel and look more as if they're the opposite gender.

the surgeries don't leave a "disgusting gash they'll never be able to heal" most surgeries go very well. the body parts are causing harm its very distressing to be one gender, and have the body parts of another.

The practices I mentioned, "Emasculation" and "Female Genital Mutilation" cause nothing but health issues. Since they can't close the wound due to their digestive system, they have to leave the wound open and constantly shove "blockers" inside to keep it from healing. Since there are no muscles in that area anymore, they have to shove tubes down their urethra to urinate. I'll stop myself before I mention the tissue swelling, constant bleeding, and REVOLTING infections it causes.

It's a nice thought to think they go well, though. But, I'm sure the majority would much rather urinate naturally, including myself. Thank you. 🤢🤮

yes, u cant change ur dna, but who rlly cares. u cant see dna, and ppl have different chromosomes than what they're supposed too sometimes. and dna only determines physical sex not gender.

Excuses... Also, physical sex is another term for sexual intercourse.
DNA does in fact determine one's gender and more. Have you never studied cells in school? 😕

trans ppl dont just decide to transition for no reason. they transition bc they are a different gender than what the outside shows. most of them have felt like that since they were young kids.

So "Gender Transition" is when one's feeling they're the opposite gender when they're in fact NOT the opposite gender.
Do they feel their entire anatomy is incorrect as well? Who do they blame for such a mistake? 😱

also transgenderism isn't a thing being trans isnt an ideology

Just because a word has "ism" after it doesn't make it an ideology or whatnot. 🫠 Transgenderism practically means: to be transgender.

also also when u are researching stuff make sure ur using reliable sources that aren't giving u biased information especially when it comes to topics like these where everyones trying to get u on their side

Of course. The same goes for you. Hopefully, someone who knows "Transgenderism" will explain it better. Thanks for your time. Take care. :ROFLMAO:👌

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It states that "Gender Identity Dysphoria" isn't a mental illness, but from what I read and saw, it looks to be a type of depression. Depression, as most know, is a severe mental illness.

I assume a majority of transgenders believe they're the opposite gender of what they were originally born as, which, in my opinion, is delusional thinking. Believing something's true when it's obviously not.

I assume a minority of transgenders believe they were gifted with the wrong body, so they get permanent surgeries and use hormones to change it to their liking. which, in my opinion, are acts of self-harm and "Body Dysphoria," another type of depression.

I should clarify that I don't dislike transgenders in general. I just don't find their reasoning... reasonable.
I've used religion and logical science to shape my views. And I view "Gender Transition" as illogical thinking, a mental disorder if you will.

I can't justify that what I wrote was kind-hearted or necessary.
I'm still posting merely for shits and giggles because I FEEL like it, and it's my day off, so why not? 🤒
Love sinners. Hate sin.

Would you consider "Gender Identity Dysphoria" a mental illness? Why or why not?

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@Chatter ik who u are now from Ur speech. thread carefully from now on no more hate speech. ik u went insane these few days BC of what I said ABT u. Sorry ABT that. It won't happen again. Stop the hate speech we all understand Ur place in politics by now. We can start over?
I should also remind u that everyone is different. Nobody is perfect. Live and let live. Share our differences and use them to thrive together.

Using "everyone is different" as an excuse for people to share illogical nonsense and degeneracy will never help society thrive.
But whatever floats your boat. :censored:🤏

Personally don't agree with "transgenderism"
It's a glorified topic and I believe is a mental illness of sorts. You're either a woman or man, you don't get to pick and choose

EXACTLY! "Gender Identity" is all mental. Of course, your emotional state can differ and change your outer appearance and such. But it'll never change your biology. If you're born a male, you will forever be a male, and vice versa.

Every procedure in "Gender Transition" is completely illogical and immoral.
Still, nobody can explain how "Gender Identity" isn't a mental illness. All they have are inane excuses to condone themselves.

Have a good one.

The Office Monday GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Personally don't agree with "transgenderism"
It's a glorified topic and I believe is a mental illness of sorts. You're either a woman or man, you don't get to pick and choose

EXACTLY! "Gender Identity" is all mental. Of course, your emotional state can differ and change your outer appearance and such. But it'll never change your biology. If you're born a male, you will forever be a male, and vice versa.

Every procedure in "Gender Transition" is completely illogical and immoral.
Still, nobody can explain how "Gender Identity" isn't a mental illness. All they have are inane excuses to condone themselves.

Have a good one.

The Office Monday GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Politics aside I heard that you're attending college. Is that true. Ik how much u hated it. What are u studying? I can't believe ppl like u are allowed a college education

Talk about irrelevant... College?... People like me?...
Don't get too shaken up. I'm not anywhere worth mentioning. Just an inexpensive online college. Currently studying to earn my BA in Political Science.

The degree's a want. Not a necessity. Most of my jobs don't even require a high school education.
I figured entry-level workers are shamed for their lack of education. I'll be a whole lot happier doing my mindless work, knowing I graduated college.
Now get back on topic, please.

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@Chatter just what I expected a cheap so called education bare minimum. Mediocre studying political science? Really? I mean u literally announced that Ur on the bottom of the pyramid so It doesn't really matter what education you get. But idrc now I thought u cared more about education. Like a guy who mixes cement will become some government official what're u gonna do after u receive Ur degree in poli sci I mean IF U EVER GET IT. PFFT wannabe somebody.
@Chatter what a lame comeback. Ur uch a condescending smarass. Ur 3 Gender bs is so transphobic. Why can't u just be accepting to trans ppl? Why tf do u h8 us? Wtf dude. U talking abt illogical subjects pfft. The same guy had a conspiracy theory on how 9 11 was all CIA holograms. Stfu
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