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Does Israel have a right to exist? And therefore her right to self-defense or not?


New member
Is the existence of Israel legitimate? By what law? Is it the law of the jungle? Does it have a right to exist from a human perspective? There are many questions that can all be answered simply and with evidence, but of course we will find many Zionists just barking lies and hatred without seriously participating in the debate and presenting their evidence.
What is Israel? Is it the Jewish state? Is the Israeli Jewish or not? Does anyone have the courage?
I know they left me here because it's a dead place. Let's see how true this is...
any country has the right to defend itself theres too much violence in this world
I agree with you, and even any human group has the right to self-defense, but the important question is: Is Israel a legitimate state? Do they have a right to the land on which they established their state and under what law ?