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Can a straight person become gay over time?

You don't turn gay overnight (obviously) but you can realize with time that you are attracted to another (or multiple) genders, I was straight before realizing I was bisexual myself, and my good friend dated women before realizing he was gay. I don't know many gay people who realized they're straight, more so bisexual, pansexual, etc.
So realizing that you've BECAME gay. Correct?
Can a straight person become gay over time, and vice versa? How?
The amygdala in our temporal lobes controls how we process sexual emotions. Any form of stress will trigger the amygdala's response process. Our sex hormones are released from the hypothalamus through our hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis (HPG). The hypothalamus controls all our sexual functions: reproductive organs, adrenal glands, etc. Under stress, the amygdala will send distress signals to the hypothalamus through the autonomic nerves, which may change our sexual response process.
Can a straight person become gay over time, and vice versa? How?
Simply speaking, stress has a large influence on how we emotionally process our sexual orientation. i.e. a heterosexual male may go to prison and leave as a homosexual male after the traumatic events he experienced there.
The amygdala in our temporal lobes controls how we process sexual emotions. Any form of stress will trigger the amygdala's response process. Our sex hormones are released from the hypothalamus through our hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis (HPG). The hypothalamus controls all our sexual functions: reproductive organs, adrenal glands, etc. Under stress, the amygdala will send distress signals to the hypothalamus through the autonomic nerves, which may change our sexual response process.
Reminds me of prisons and "dropping the soap"...
@Trench- You have to become homosexual before you realise you're homosexual.

Go Ahead Yes GIF
I am an example of someone who woke up one day and realized that I simply was more comfortable in relationships with men (I am male) rather than women. I had lived my life as a bisexual man since the age of 17 and was even married to a woman for a while. But, when I was 48, I met a man and had a short relationship with him - and realized that "guys are more fun." I just felt much more "natural" in the relationship with him - and I've been gay since.