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Be careful x2

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Its a thankless job volunteering to staff the chatrooms. I would imagine from previous experience else where that there is a lot of work done behind the scenes in the chatrooms and on the forums that only staff are privy to.

Sometimes it appears that nothing is being done because it is better to deal with these things behind the scenes. As for reporting to the Authorities, all they can do is report to Authorities, you can't make them take action.

On top of all this, those that have a nefarious reason to be here will use 'code' words and Icons/GIFS that look harmless to the every day chatter, but to those involved they know what it means.

Just as quick as the staff clue on to what the code word or icon means, the peds change it again, so it is a constant learning curve for mods, admins and the site owners.

Kudos to the staff
This is what happens when you hire teenagers to mod a chat site I guess.
And before you say, "they hire teenagers on discord and many other sites" just know that they have actual bots to assist in helping them keep rooms safe rather than a bot to encourage people to buy VIP..
And before you say, "they hire teenagers on discord and many other sites" just know that they have actual bots to assist in helping them keep rooms safe rather than a bot to encourage people to buy VIP..
I am the only person that pushes VIP.
The bot posts an ad and not very often, to advertise VIP.
The site is a business and doesn't run on fresh air unfortunately.
Me pushing VIP makes no changes for me personally in any way.
There are no external ads on 321Chat.com (at the time of this post at least!)
Very True. Even though I cannot go into details on how and why we handle issues, I can say there are reasons of what we do and do not do. Like you said, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes. It is nice to know that some chatters get it. Have a nice day and chat. :)
There's also admins and mods sharing child porn as have been called out with screen shots. People aren't stupid sweetie .. listen maam I mean sir .. not all of us in the lgbtw community agree with the pedo shit . Chatmaster has spoken out about this once.. now studs deserves to be removed . Screen shots are lovely princess :)
And before you say, "they hire teenagers on discord and many other sites" just know that they have actual bots to assist in helping them keep rooms safe rather than a bot to encourage people to buy VIP..
It seems that you mods spread misinformation and confusion ..lol it doesn't matter if you like or don't like someone on the simple basis of insecurity.. kicking someone for being "gifted vip" is petty and childish .. get over yourself this is why chatmaster made a point about mods being dictators :)
There's also admins and mods sharing child porn as have been called out with screen shots. People aren't stupid sweetie .. listen maam I mean sir .. not all of us in the lgbtw community agree with the pedo shit . Chatmaster has spoken out about this once.. now studs deserves to be removed . Screen shots are lovely princess :)

I’m not sure what I’ve spoken out against once.

You also made a post (I see it and others are deleted now) and stated that karma is a bitch so it clearly shows you’re here to get back at being kicked or rejected or whatever.
It seems that you mods spread misinformation and confusion ..lol it doesn't matter if you like or don't like someone on the simple basis of insecurity.. kicking someone for being "gifted vip" is petty and childish .. get over yourself this is why chatmaster made a point about mods being dictators :)
I never even made this point, and nice one calling out xena by saying "we aren't stupid sweetie..." because you yourself might actually be stupid.
My point was that chatmaster made a bot to encourage vip rather than a bot to automatically kick out overages, or maybe an upgrade to the already shit auto-mute bot.
Chatmaster may or may not have made a point that mods are dictators. But even Zara can't be called one, and thats saying shit! So I suggest you stop jumping into an argument that you don't even understand.
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