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ban vpn


New member
theres this user who comes online like almost everyday who will be racist and send nudes on main. he will harrass girls and say pretty sexual things.
the thing is tho everytime he gets banned he comes back on a new account. I didnt notice it was a new acc at first until I saw that each username was not the same . then we all put together that he was using a VPN therefore he could not be banned. he makes new accounts like everyday and we have all learned to jus ignore him . but when he notices we have ignored him he makes ANOTHER account to harass us there. its happened again today it happened yesterday and the day before. I'm pretty sure he does it everyday and I'm just not online. so maybe me and some of my friends have wanted to ask if there was anyway u could ban VPN? because you do "checks" everytime a new account is made to see if its not a bot. so maybe when u do the checks u could see if they use VPN . if not then that's fine its just I don't want to open an app to talk to my friends and see his penis in chat for everyone to see. thank you so much for your time .
theres this user who comes online like almost everyday who will be racist and send nudes on main. he will harrass girls and say pretty sexual things.
the thing is tho everytime he gets banned he comes back on a new account. I didnt notice it was a new acc at first until I saw that each username was not the same . then we all put together that he was using a VPN therefore he could not be banned. he makes new accounts like everyday and we have all learned to jus ignore him . but when he notices we have ignored him he makes ANOTHER account to harass us there. its happened again today it happened yesterday and the day before. I'm pretty sure he does it everyday and I'm just not online. so maybe me and some of my friends have wanted to ask if there was anyway u could ban VPN? because you do "checks" everytime a new account is made to see if its not a bot. so maybe when u do the checks u could see if they use VPN . if not then that's fine its just I don't want to open an app to talk to my friends and see his penis in chat for everyone to see. thank you so much for your time .
iv said this so many times banning vpns would solve the trolling issue i belive vpns are the real issue to the trolling problems