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Age Limit & Recent Drama With Mods

Hey could be worse you could offer to help and give feedback to admins and get room blocked for doing nothing wrong. Check the logs and show where i did something wrong....
Hey could be worse you could offer to help and give feedback to admins and get room blocked for doing nothing wrong. Check the logs and show where i did something wrong....
You could use the feedback form to discuss the issue further. Someone will look into your issue and they may be able to help you. You'll need to provide as much information as you can so they can understand the issue.

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I like how this thread is about mods banning and muting for the smallest issues... Guess what? They're still banning and muting for the smallest of issues. You have a civil debate with a mod? that's a 30 minute mute. You say something that annoys them? That's another 2 weeks. There is clear bias on who they enforce these rules on and me personally don't see myself investing any money on this site until they get a more professional moderation team. Emotions is the deciding factor on when the "rules" are being enforced.
I like how this thread is about mods banning and muting for the smallest issues... Guess what? They're still banning and muting for the smallest of issues. You have a civil debate with a mod? that's a 30 minute mute. You say something that annoys them? That's another 2 weeks. There is clear bias on who they enforce these rules on and me personally don't see myself investing any money on this site until they get a more professional moderation team. Emotions is the deciding factor on when the "rules" are being enforced.


Have you addressed it with the Admin of that room?
You are also welcome to contact myself or any other Admin in Re; to this so we can look into what is happening?

There is also a feedback form you can fill out so we can look into situations also -

We cannot fix what we don't know.

I like how this thread is about mods banning and muting for the smallest issues... Guess what? They're still banning and muting for the smallest of issues. You have a civil debate with a mod? that's a 30 minute mute. You say something that annoys them? That's another 2 weeks. There is clear bias on who they enforce these rules on and me personally don't see myself investing any money on this site until they get a more professional moderation team. Emotions is the deciding factor on when the "rules" are being enforced.
Meanwhile we have children posting clearly sexualized imagery of themselves that most mods say nothing about yet when some guy calls a mod stupid out of frustration they get muted for a month. Pff... give me a break. And you wonder why your site is a target for mass spam and trolls or why mods are being harassed on a daily basis, I'm not saying its right but when you rule a room with such an iron fist you can expect to see these kinds of things build up until eventually, people get sick of it.

Have you addressed it with the Admin of that room?
You are also welcome to contact myself or any other Admin in Re; to this so we can look into what is happening?

There is also a feedback form you can fill out so we can look into situations also -

We cannot fix what we don't know.

I apologize for putting you on the spot as I'm not trying to stir drama with your team, some of you are genuine people just trying to help however, there's still plenty of work that needs to be done to make this site a better experience for all not just a selective group of people.
I apologize for putting you on the spot as I'm not trying to stir drama with your team, some of you are genuine people just trying to help however, there's still plenty of work that needs to be done to make this site a better experience for all not just a selective group of people.
I will collect evidence to back up my claims so this can be brought to light
I apologize for putting you on the spot as I'm not trying to stir drama with your team, some of you are genuine people just trying to help however, there's still plenty of work that needs to be done to make this site a better experience for all not just a selective group of people.

There is no need to apologise to me, and I don't look at it like you are trying to stir drama or cause trouble.
Everyone's opinions are valid.
Yes, some of us do genuinely care about the chatters and the site - but again, we cannot fix what we don't know.
If you have had an issue or feel you have been unfairly treated, approaching an Admin would be a start, give us a chance to actually look into the situation at hand and try help.

My PMs are always open if needed.

Take care.
Because the overwhelming feedback of 321chat has been that the mods kick and ban people way too quickly I told the mods that they need to chill out. That it is not their job to parent everyone and stop every fight between chatters. I said teens are allowed to curse and occasionally be mean to each other. That is not to say that they can't ban a troll that is just trying to upset people.

One of people's complaints was that they were always quizzed about their "real" age and told to put in in their profile. I said to stop doing that... That predators would simply lie and you're annoying every new chatter the moment they check out the site. I said 20 and 21 year olds should be allowed to chat within teen chat. (I've now lowered that to 20) because it seems ridiculous to me that 19 is fine and then your birthday ticks off and you aren't allowed to be in the room you've called home, potentially for years. I think you should have your 20th year as time to transition out of teen chat.

So in my mind not much has changed. Racist and homophobic language will still get you banned as will sexual posts and images. There is still a report button that everyone can use incase things are done in private.

There are other sites where the parents have to sign their children up and every word is screened or filtered out. If you are looking for that level of protection then please go there.
Lmao please try telling Zara this. I had a disagreement with a 17-year old and she kicked me for a fucking month.
and even then, they can sometimes be shitty with their actions, but not as shitty as others.
im going to go out on a limb here and take a guess that YOU are the real problem here....SEVEN replies to whine about unfair mods kicking muting and banning??? dude take accountability for your own actions and go live on Discord with Pablo
listen CM. Your intentions are good, your trying to make a site for people who find it hard to make friends because of sexuality difference, but goddamn. Hire some actual mods. I'm sure pablo from discord is way better than the losers that you randomly hire because they paid you 15 bucks. This chat site has the reputation of being dangerous to teens.
If you think VIP is anything to do with being a moderator, then you're completely wrong.
You don't have a problem with one or two mods or admins, you have a problem with anyone in a position on this site.
To me, it all comes to the conclusion that you are the issue here.

As for your post here, I will take that feedback on board because I certainly want it to be more civil.
Because the overwhelming feedback of 321chat has been that the mods kick and ban people way too quickly I told the mods that they need to chill out. That it is not their job to parent everyone and stop every fight between chatters. I said teens are allowed to curse and occasionally be mean to each other. That is not to say that they can't ban a troll that is just trying to upset people.

One of people's complaints was that they were always quizzed about their "real" age and told to put in in their profile. I said to stop doing that... That predators would simply lie and you're annoying every new chatter the moment they check out the site. I said 20 and 21 year olds should be allowed to chat within teen chat. (I've now lowered that to 20) because it seems ridiculous to me that 19 is fine and then your birthday ticks off and you aren't allowed to be in the room you've called home, potentially for years. I think you should have your 20th year as time to transition out of teen chat.

So in my mind not much has changed. Racist and homophobic language will still get you banned as will sexual posts and images. There is still a report button that everyone can use incase things are done in private.

There are other sites where the parents have to sign their children up and every word is screened or filtered out. If you are looking for that level of protection then please go there.
Finally someone that is smart and fair, I really agree with you.
Because the overwhelming feedback of 321chat has been that the mods kick and ban people way too quickly I told the mods that they need to chill out. That it is not their job to parent everyone and stop every fight between chatters. I said teens are allowed to curse and occasionally be mean to each other. That is not to say that they can't ban a troll that is just trying to upset people.

One of people's complaints was that they were always quizzed about their "real" age and told to put in in their profile. I said to stop doing that... That predators would simply lie and you're annoying every new chatter the moment they check out the site. I said 20 and 21 year olds should be allowed to chat within teen chat. (I've now lowered that to 20) because it seems ridiculous to me that 19 is fine and then your birthday ticks off and you aren't allowed to be in the room you've called home, potentially for years. I think you should have your 20th year as time to transition out of teen chat.

So in my mind not much has changed. Racist and homophobic language will still get you banned as will sexual posts and images. There is still a report button that everyone can use incase things are done in private.

There are other sites where the parents have to sign their children up and every word is screened or filtered out. If you are looking for that level of protection then please go there.
dear sir i wish to make a complaint about gay adult room iv been kicked by admin for no reason i was told by him i was under investigation he refuses to tell me why and has perm kicked me out the room i would like this looked into and an investigation conducted as i feel this is grossly unfair and iv lost freinds because of it please be assured iv done nothing wrong i would like as i have said this to be looked into
many thanks

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