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advice please

why im i all of a sudden been made out to be a bad chatter i dont know what else im supposed to say or do to prove im not a bad chatter im not saying this to be annoying im genuninly stumped as to what more i can do do i just leave would that be better for everyone advice welcome
why im i all of a sudden been made out to be a bad chatter i dont know what else im supposed to say or do to prove im not a bad chatter im not saying this to be annoying im genuninly stumped as to what more i can do do i just leave would that be better for everyone advice welcome
What exactly led someone to consider you a bad conversationalist?
not directly i just seem to have lost freinds
Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I would be glad to call myself your friend, if you like. But, you should know that I am a gay man. I use this and the 321 Chat to make friends and see if we can connect in real life, too, so I hope that doesn't bother you.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I would be glad to call myself your friend, if you like. But, you should know that I am a gay man. I use this and the 321 Chat to make friends and see if we can connect in real life, too, so I hope that doesn't bother you.
that would be good
i'm sure somewhere this counts as whining about your ban again...

u just dont know when to stop do u?
never even mentioned my ban and for the record it wasnt a ban it was a kick so wrong again second point i was talking about a totally differant issue a freind of mine had a disagreement and wanted to applogies so i reached out on here sorry if you think thats whining but when i make a a mistake i like to learn from it and put things right i look forward to your apology thank you for taking the time to reply i do appricate it