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My cis female partner constantly emasculates me


Active member
My girlfriend constantly seeks to emasculate me, often attacking my masculinity.

I'll give some examples below...

When I go to fill my car with petrol, I'll usually wear the plastic gloves they provide, she will accuse me of being gay as "straight men don't wear gloves".

When we go to Starbucks, I usually order hot chocolate (as I'm not a huge coffee guy), she'll tell me "hot chocolate is for little boys who sleep next to their mom".

One time, I was at her apartment, waiting to go out and she was still in the bathroom, I decided to try on some of her jewelry and take a few selfies, she got enraged accusing me of being a "closet trans woman".

When we are on nights out, she purposely tries to start fights with other women and expects me to back her up, often I just pull her away from the situation and she accuses me of being scared of the women she's tussling with.

During intimacy, if I ever suggest doing anything with her ass she'll hit me and call me some kind of homophobic slur.

How do I stand up to her 😩
nothing to do with homophobia...i don't think u realize there are some subjects u just don't splatter on a forum for all to see...and referring to sexual play with her ass is just not appropriate here
nothing to do with homophobia...i don't think u realize there are some subjects u just don't splatter on a forum for all to see...and referring to sexual play with her ass is just not appropriate here
Deflecting from.your homophobic comment again. ALSO why isn't it appropriate? This is dating a relationships in which sex happens.
maybe because this is an all-ages site and forum and 13yos can see this? or do u think it's ok to breach these subjects with minors watching?

and im not homophobic whatsoever, but go ahead and continue ASSuming i am
maybe because this is an all-ages site and forum and 13yos can see this? or do u think it's ok to breach these subjects with minors watching?

and im not homophobic whatsoever, but go ahead and continue ASSuming i am
I can help if minors see this but sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of but your homophobic comment explains why you'd think that. Also funny how you think it's okay for someone to abuse others but get outraged about normal sexuality

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