It seems if you dont like guns- your left.
If you do like guns- your right.
What about innovation? What happened to independence?
Im so tired of bring up say... a gun issues. Heh... and now because i agree with a person who suffered sandy hook. Im left. Or a leftist. Wtf? When did patterns become political? Aks arent for citizens use- they are made for mowing.. how does agreeing with wanting AKs gone making me left abiding? I hate the left and i hate the right. What i love- is the people. Why am i stationed outside of self??? Im independent.
If you do like guns- your right.
What about innovation? What happened to independence?
Im so tired of bring up say... a gun issues. Heh... and now because i agree with a person who suffered sandy hook. Im left. Or a leftist. Wtf? When did patterns become political? Aks arent for citizens use- they are made for mowing.. how does agreeing with wanting AKs gone making me left abiding? I hate the left and i hate the right. What i love- is the people. Why am i stationed outside of self??? Im independent.