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What happened to independence on political issues?

It seems if you dont like guns- your left.
If you do like guns- your right.
What about innovation? What happened to independence?
Im so tired of bring up say... a gun issues. Heh... and now because i agree with a person who suffered sandy hook. Im left. Or a leftist. Wtf? When did patterns become political? Aks arent for citizens use- they are made for mowing.. how does agreeing with wanting AKs gone making me left abiding? I hate the left and i hate the right. What i love- is the people. Why am i stationed outside of self??? Im independent.
Despite my conservative political and social views, I have never been particularly fond of firearms. But world peace is just wishful thinking. Guns exist, and I understand why people feel safer with a firearm, knowing there will always be bloodthirsty gunmen amongst them.

Pew Pew Gun GIF by One Chicago
Despite my conservative political and social views, I have never been particularly fond of firearms. But world peace is just wishful thinking. Guns exist, and I understand why people feel safer with a firearm, knowing there will always be bloodthirsty gunmen amongst them.

Pew Pew Gun GIF by One Chicago
Truth, but yeah dont mess with crazy. I got crazy in me and i will bite. Been telling myself as a child to use teeth agaist kidnappers.. so- no fire arms requires less crazy people... like myself 😆 im just well contained
communism sucks because i will be killed if i do not follow the same beliefs as a small collective; i have to give all the money i worked for to everyone who does not work; and i cannot own anything. :mad: