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You need to actually understand what is inappropriate and appropriate depending on context and not just seeing the “inappropriate” part first


It’s me Fancy cat here to complain again bc I got kicked for 15 mins bc of a yt thumbnail which I can’t physically change bc I didn’t make the video :0
And so to describe the video
It’s basically an animation about really sad stuff
It starts with a dog shelter and a boy looking for his dog
But unfortunately his dog gets euthanised before he can help and the words “well that was depressing” show up and more other depressing stuff happen
But the actual reason it got removed and why I’m kicked rn is bc the thumbnail is a chest of a woman (covered up) and the words like “a depressing video” or “the depressing video” in a font
Now is this inappropriate
Short answer no
Long answer no because due to the context of it trying to create humour(due to this being a comedy channel) this is not deemed inappropriate unless you cant understand the difference and when you see one thing without context you go like “:0 tits no that’s bad off” when it’s a covered up chest of a female :/
Is me saying covered up chested of a female inappropriate? No
So there’s my point of what should be deemed inappropriate and appropriate
Btw literally a comment says “yall wild for that thumbnail 🤣
Showing the humour of it
For context the video:
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What room were you using when kicked? The thumbnail is sexually suggestive and if the mod didn't have time to view the whole video I dont blame them for removing you. Yes, you see womens chest all day in the real world but zoomed in like such sexualizes it and starts to toe the line of appropriate and nonappropriate.
It’s me Fancy cat here to complain again bc I got kicked for 15 mins bc of a yt thumbnail which I can’t physically change bc I didn’t make the video :0
And so to describe the video
It’s basically an animation about really sad stuff
It starts with a dog shelter and a boy looking for his dog
But unfortunately his dog gets euthanised before he can help and the words “well that was depressing” show up and more other depressing stuff happen
But the actual reason it got removed and why I’m kicked rn is bc the thumbnail is a chest of a woman (covered up) and the words like “a depressing video” or “the depressing video” in a font
Now is this inappropriate
Short answer no
Long answer no because due to the context of it trying to create humour(due to this being a comedy channel) this is not deemed inappropriate unless you cant understand the difference and when you see one thing without context you go like “:0 tits no that’s bad off” when it’s a covered up chest of a female :/
Is me saying covered up chested of a female inappropriate? No
So there’s my point of what should be deemed inappropriate and appropriate
Btw literally a comment says “yall wild for that thumbnail 🤣
Showing the humour of it
For context the video:
What was the purpose behind sharing the video? Was it intended to provoke a response? It appears evident that you are aware of the reason for your removal. Additionally, please note that this section is not designated for lodging complaints against moderators or administrators.
  • Have you been removed from the chat entirely, or was it a specific room within the chat?
  • If it was a room, could you specify which one?


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It’s me Fancy cat here to complain again bc I got kicked for 15 mins bc of a yt thumbnail which I can’t physically change bc I didn’t make the video :0
And so to describe the video
It’s basically an animation about really sad stuff
It starts with a dog shelter and a boy looking for his dog
But unfortunately his dog gets euthanised before he can help and the words “well that was depressing” show up and more other depressing stuff happen
But the actual reason it got removed and why I’m kicked rn is bc the thumbnail is a chest of a woman (covered up) and the words like “a depressing video” or “the depressing video” in a font
Now is this inappropriate
Short answer no
Long answer no because due to the context of it trying to create humour(due to this being a comedy channel) this is not deemed inappropriate unless you cant understand the difference and when you see one thing without context you go like “:0 tits no that’s bad off” when it’s a covered up chest of a female :/
Is me saying covered up chested of a female inappropriate? No
So there’s my point of what should be deemed inappropriate and appropriate
Btw literally a comment says “yall wild for that thumbnail 🤣
Showing the humour of it
For context the video:
listen bro idrk about this one ive been kicked for shit multiple times but it was mostly for sparking arguments in main chat and well
not this lmfao thats for fucking sure

anyway just dont post it again, it may be allowed on youtube for 13+ but mods still wont like it being distributed to their 13+ members
It’s me Fancy cat here to complain again bc I got kicked for 15 mins bc of a yt thumbnail which I can’t physically change bc I didn’t make the video :0
And so to describe the video
It’s basically an animation about really sad stuff
It starts with a dog shelter and a boy looking for his dog
But unfortunately his dog gets euthanised before he can help and the words “well that was depressing” show up and more other depressing stuff happen
But the actual reason it got removed and why I’m kicked rn is bc the thumbnail is a chest of a woman (covered up) and the words like “a depressing video” or “the depressing video” in a font
Now is this inappropriate
Short answer no
Long answer no because due to the context of it trying to create humour(due to this being a comedy channel) this is not deemed inappropriate unless you cant understand the difference and when you see one thing without context you go like “:0 tits no that’s bad off” when it’s a covered up chest of a female :/
Is me saying covered up chested of a female inappropriate? No
So there’s my point of what should be deemed inappropriate and appropriate
Btw literally a comment says “yall wild for that thumbnail 🤣
Showing the humour of it
For context the video:
The best thing to do in this situation is to appeal the kick when it happens by using the appropriate forum thread. This way, either ChatMaster, or Admin will review why you were kicked and if they deem it to be unfair then they will speak to the mod.