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I had asked this before..never got an answer; I sure wish the site would bring back on profiles "Last room logged in" I dont choose for all to be on my friends list and I have to search every room looking for different chatters
I had asked this before..never got an answer; I sure wish the site would bring back on profiles "Last room logged in" I dont choose for all to be on my friends list and I have to search every room looking for different chatters
Yess, so it shows what room they're in and when they're offline and online.
I think if someone blocks you they should have to give a reason that'd be a nice gift from the site or what room someone is in on their profile if they're a friend would be another one.
ive actually used it when a certain constantly respawning pedo would come in my room....when he'd leave i'd use the last seen to bust him going into teen rooms...so it definitely came in handy for that

as for the main issue of privacy....i personally don't see this as that big a deal, especially since it's a public space...it just delays going room-to-room to find someone, and eventually that person will be found unless they're just online and not in a room...i like the idea of allowing it for people on ur list cuz if ur friends, ur friends...if u agree to be my friend then u agree to me being able to see where ur at...so what if a friend can see where ur at
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I had asked this before..never got an answer; I sure wish the site would bring back on profiles "Last room logged in" I dont choose for all to be on my friends list and I have to search every room looking for different chatters
I never complained this violated my privacy; We can still go room to room to see what room people are in we are looking for. It is just more of a time consuming action that now has to be taken since this feature was removed