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Why is the site anti-lgbt+?

Look bottom line everyone is entitled to there opinions. But....I am lesbian and this chat is very much for Tran people. There is no point in getting frustrated with comments that clearly are not true. The mods and Admin support the community and I will stand by this. They make rooms to make every single person feel comfortable in. And mods always take care of situations. I think if someone feels a certain way fine. But don't make judgement when you don't want that upon you. I stand by Chat master and Admin. They will always make the right decisions as well as mods. Just putting this out here because this is becoming a broken record.
321 Chat is for EVERYONE!

If you are not happy with whatever has
Look bottom line everyone is entitled to there opinions. But....I am lesbian and this chat is very much for Tran people. There is no point in getting frustrated with comments that clearly are not true. The mods and Admin support the community and I will stand by this. They make rooms to make every single person feel comfortable in. And mods always take care of situations. I think if someone feels a certain way fine. But don't make judgement when you don't want that upon you. I stand by Chat master and Admin. They will always make the right decisions as well as mods. Just putting this out here because this is becoming a broken record.
321 Chat is for EVERYONE!

If you are not happy with whatever has
The people that matter know that it isn't true. People are starting to see through all this 'I'm offended' rubbish...as the saying goes, it is ok to be offended, but that doesn't make you right. Don't like something, move along.

The people that matter, will simply embrace each other without asking questions or needing to now identities etc.