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Why am I permanently banned?

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VIP Member
Hi my user on 321 was Kitkatkc
I was banned in October of 2021 for something I still do not understand what it was because I was not told. I was told that I would be unbanned and I didn’t wanna screw up being permanently banned so I didn’t create new accounts like my friends told me to do. So if I was told I would be unbanned why am I now permanently banned like 7 months later. I wanted a second chance I was sorry for anything I did that would cause me to be banned.
Hi my user on 321 was Kitkatkc
I was banned in October of 2021 for something I still do not understand what it was because I was not told. I was told that I would be unbanned and I didn’t wanna screw up being permanently banned so I didn’t create new accounts like my friends told me to do. So if I was told I would be unbanned why am I now permanently banned like 7 months later. I wanted a second chance I was sorry for anything I did that would cause me to be banned.
I got banned for no reason too I don't know why either some dude was calling me these names so I reported him next thing ik I'm the one getting banned
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