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Who is that? (It's me!)


Teen Chat Admin
Staff member
Chat Room Admin
Hey all, I've been on this chat for like 3 years or something and I've been a mod in gtc for (collectively) about a year, but I didn't feel like many people know stuff about me! So here's a little information:

I go by Lizzy, I'm 18, and I'm a straight female. I know a lot of people might judge me for being a straight female in a gay chat, but I'm used to it, and the people in GTC welcome me as far as I'm aware haha and that's a win in my book. I love drawing and photography, I'm going to go to college next year and majoring in Art Therapy (it's a thing, look at Google), I love pop music, I love reading and chatting with people in gtc and helping people, and I enjoy being outside and listening to the birds.

Thanks to anyone who reads this, you all are amazing and important in your own ways