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Whats the point of report buttons?

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New member
Whats the point of having report buttons when we have an admin who abused members who use it? Its pretty annoying when he doesnt want to do his job and kicks out decent chatters for
reporting filth and little kids! I'm tired of being abused for no reason whatsoever aside from reporting those that need to be banned!
When you're online, you sit there and scroll the user list every minute and report report report, even people that are over 18 because you 'think' they are minors. I honestly don't even know how you have time to chat, you're so focused on reporting.
Alot of the time you are reporting them after we have even removed them from the room or after they have left.
Some times teens enter the room by mistake and they leave.
Every time you report, it alerts staff from other rooms - alot of the time by the time they read the report the Teens are gone or have been removed.

You have been asked by multiple staff over the years Jenny to relax a little with it.
I've even spoken to you myself re; this.
All we have asked is you give them a few seconds/minutes to leave on their own or to see if staff have already removed them. They aren't going to jump thru the screen and get you if they are there a few seconds.
And only report those who ARE minors and not the ones you feel shouldn't be there because you think they are minors.
Whats the point of having report buttons when we have an admin who abused members who use it? Its pretty annoying when he doesnt want to do his job and kicks out decent chatters for
reporting filth and little kids! I'm tired of being abused for no reason whatsoever aside from reporting those that need to be banned!
bro how bout you report to the fucking shower
When you're online, you sit there and scroll the user list every minute and report report report, even people that are over 18 because you 'think' they are minors. I honestly don't even know how you have time to chat, you're so focused on reporting.
Alot of the time you are reporting them after we have even removed them from the room or after they have left.
Some times teens enter the room by mistake and they leave.
Every time you report, it alerts staff from other rooms - alot of the time by the time they read the report the Teens are gone or have been removed.

You have been asked by multiple staff over the years Jenny to relax a little with it.
I've even spoken to you myself re; this.
All we have asked is you give them a few seconds/minutes to leave on their own or to see if staff have already removed them. They aren't going to jump thru the screen and get you if they are there a few seconds.
And only report those who ARE minors and not the ones you feel shouldn't be there because you think they are minors.
who is Jenny? that is NOT my name. excuse me for trying to help keep the place nice. obviously you dont want decent chatters
moderators and admin across this site work damned hard to keep the place safe so don't give us that nonsense
every time you report a 17 year old who has been in adult for 5 milliseconds it creates a flat which a mod/admin has to deal with
99% of the time they have already left the room and gone to teen when mod/admin arrive
that is time totally wasted that the mod/admin could be using to deal with a proper issue
if it was only occasionally that wouldn't be a problem but it's dozens of times every day
you've been told so many times about this but for some reason refuse to listen so at this point we have to assume that you are doing it deliberately to annoy staff
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