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What The Fuck Is The Deal With Communism?

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VIP Member
Now before you bite my head off and tell me to post in the "politics" section, take a chill pill and relax. This is a philosophical discussion.

Some users on here are spreading communism and I want to caution everyone, especially the impressionable, not to swallow that nonsense. Communism brings nothing but pain and misery. If you think that work should be spread equally across everyone, then you are by definition a communist. This leads to an authoritarian state that dictates your life. Is that what you want?

Communism thrives on the lazy because it rewards a kind of labour apathy regarding the importance of work in a man's life. Every man should work, and every man should work in a way that he sees fit. It is not right to be given a job because someone has called this fair. A job must be earned. This is the process of becoming a man.

If you are a piece of shit liberal that thinks work is your right, then when you get to hell you will be met with a wrath reserved only for the most wicked. Make sure you say 'hi' to Saddam Hussein for me when you get there.

May we all take a page out of history and just agree that Communism has no place in today's world. If you are a communist, then you are a shit-disturber, period. You like to disrupt all the is good and pure in the name of your own arrogant selfishness. I do not so much care for your wellbeing, as that is already forfeit. It is the lives of the people you infect that I mourn for. I do not condone plague-spreading of any kind, and unfortunately, people looking for easy answers and people who have not yet examined their own purpose often fall prey to the manipulative and the malicious.

Dem bitches be cray-cray.
- Gun control
- Restricted speech
- Racialism
- Homosexuality
- Gender equality
- Abortions
- Medical coercion
- Anti-clericalism
Propaganda! ⬅️⬅️⬅️

Many would disagree, but there's no denying it. All of the above WILL make any country weak and powerless. They understand this well, and will
plaster and promote it everywhere. It's all repeated history. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Eh... I know. Who cares? It's probably too late to be sharing this. I know the risks. Here?... I'll probably have some intellectual know-it-all prove me wrong. Maybe I'll be banned. Who knows? I thought it was worth sharing. It's too late for me. Maybe it'll help someone dig a little deeper.

Feels good.
Thanks for posting. Take care. ✌️

Thinking Reaction GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Matt Leblanc Whatever GIF
Peace Out Reaction GIF
If you are a piece of shit liberal

Everyone is allowed to have different political views.
The problem starts when peoples rights are affected (for example, anti abortion laws prohibit individuals able to get pregnant from getting medical care).
- Gun control
- Restricted speech
- Racialism
- Homosexuality
- Gender equality
- Abortions
- Medical coercion
- Anti-clericalism
Propaganda! ⬅️⬅️⬅️

Many would disagree, but there's no denying it. All of the above WILL make any country weak and powerless. They understand this well, and will
plaster and promote it everywhere. It's all repeated history. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Eh... I know. Who cares? It's probably too late to be sharing this. I know the risks. Here?... I'll probably have some intellectual know-it-all prove me wrong. Maybe I'll be banned. Who knows? I thought it was worth sharing. It's too late for me. Maybe it'll help someone dig a little deeper.

Feels good.
Thanks for posting. Take care. ✌️

Thinking Reaction GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Matt Leblanc Whatever GIF
Peace Out Reaction GIF
I love what you have just said. Even though it is not Canadian at all.
Everyone is allowed to have different political views.
The problem starts when peoples rights are affected (for example, anti abortion laws prohibit individuals able to get pregnant from getting medical care).
I will not debate abortion with you. Debating abortion with a female is a lot hard than trying to make a mule pull you.
I am pro life. The baby inside a woman belongs to the father, because he put it there.

The woman is just a sacred vessel. I am not religious and I do not believe it is god's property or anything like that. I do not come at it from that angle.

But men are most certainly involved in the decision, 100%.

Women sometimes say "it is my body, it is my choice."

I do not agree with this. It is true that you are providing the uterus and stuff, but really, that baby there is a egg that has been fertilized with the sperm of the man that you chose, somehow. I really think that is the barebones of it.

It is not so much that I think abortion is definitively murder or anything, or that am embryo or a fetus has the same rights as a human being. I don't consider aborting to be murder or fall under the same legal classifications of murder or anything like that at all. That is really not at all where I am coming from.

Creating life is about FAMILIES. A family consists of a man, a woman, and their child. To say that that child is in the hands of the woman only, again, is something that I do not agree with really.

Also I think we should respect life, in general. There should be respect for sex. We shouldn't go out there and fuck anyone thinking that abortion is always an option if can't financially support that child.

There are so many political ramifications on this subject, so I will leave it there. I have always said in all my posts in general that I do not care for politics, and will not discuss it. That is not my domain, and I am not interested in going there in the least. I actually avoid it a lot.

I always come at issues from a strictly philosophical angle. I apply logic to the best of my abilities and try to think things through critically. This sometimes gets me into trouble with people who misunderstand me, thinking that I am being a dick or something. Really I just like understand ideas and considering them, and deciding for myself if I agree with them or not. If someone goes after me for this act, which is essentially at my core, I will always, always defend myself. If I think that someone is attacking my right to think for myself, I will become vigilant in my defense, and even pre-emptively attempt to disable that situation to the best of my abilities.

So yeah, if you want to come back with a logical counter-argument for my stance on being pro-life (a philosophical point) then go for it. But I really don't think you will.

Pro-life is labeled incorrectly.
It's not pro-life if you don't take the life of the mother into consideration as well.
Why does something unborn deserve more than someone who is literally alive?
It's not pro-life, its pro-forced-birth. And this is a hill I will die on.

If I am the vessel, I have the right to choose what happens with me, and that includes vacating unwanted visitors, like a fetus.

The reason men are not entitled to a decision when it comes to this is because its not his body going through the changes.
Its not the man who has to sacrifice his education, career, hobbies, friendships, and health. He doesn't have to make special dietary changes or take expensive supplements to ensure the health of the baby. This all falls on the carrier. Why should I have to make any sacrifices I am not ready for just because a man ejaculated irresponsibly?

We say "my body my choice" because a fetus becomes attached to us. It's like a tapeworm. If we don't want it there we have every right expel it. And it's absolutely criminal to deny a woman healthcare because of personal and religious opinions instead of scientific fact.
Do you really expect an 11 year old to give birth and become a parent? Go through a traumatic experience while their body isn't even close to being fully developed yet? Thats an absolutely disgusting take.

Not every case is the sperm of the man we chose.
In addition, there are various situations in which an abortion would absolutely be the right choice. Those scenarios include, but are not limited to:
- Assault
- Not being ready
- Not wanting a baby
- Abusive partner
- Financial constraints
- Mental and physical health problems
- Hereditary issues that people do not want to pass to the children
- People wanting to kill the bloodline
- Non-viable pregnancy (tubal pregnancy for example)

In my case, I would have benefited from an abortion because my partner at the time didn't get abusive until AFTER he tried to baby trap me. In his own words, he did it because he thought I wouldn't leave him if I was pregnant. Now I'm tied to that piece of shit for the rest of my life and my child may, unfortunately, have to experience the horror that is her biological father. HE made a choice for me. Now, I don't like abortions, so I will never have one. But I will always hold someones hand if they're going through the process and I will support them without judgement.

In my opinion, it should be the responsibility of so called "pro-lifers" to take on the children they demanded be born and shamed people into having. If you don't want that responsibility, you should shut your mouth and stop interfering with other peoples lives where you're unaffected.

If you want to respect life, you will respect that children are not for everyone and nobody should be forced to be a parent if they dont want to be.
I would much rather see someone get an abortion than bring a life into the world that will be neglected, wondering why their parents don't love them, will experience the abuse of the system if put up for adoption, face financial hardships and increased odds of turning to criminal activity just to fit in somewhere.

It's socially acceptable for dads to walk away when they dont want the responsibility of children.
We can prevent abandonment by simply not having children, which means abortions.
And sure, we can "close our legs" and not have sex, but the same should apply to men. Close your damn legs and keep your dick in your pants if you don't want someone to have an abortion.
Ejaculate responsibly and abortion wont even be on the table.
If we're criminalizing abortion, ejaculation without intent to reproduce (masturbating, cumming into a sock, cumming into a mouth, cumming into an ass, cumming into your hand, whatever) should also be criminalized. One of those sperms you ejaculated could have had the mind for the cure for cancer and you never gave it a chance.
The same goes for aborted children.

Yep Reaction GIF by C H A R L Ö T T E
The point I am making is that if we criminalize abortion (like whats happened with most US states), ejaculation without intent to reproduce should be criminalized as well.
The point I am making is that if we criminalize abortion (like whats happened with most US states), ejaculation without intent to reproduce should be criminalized as well.

Good point. They both caused a GREAT amount of destruction to your country and more. (y)
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Good point. They both caused a GREAT amount of destruction to your country and more. (y)
I'm going to disagree.
I can't think of a single time I've given a rats ass about an aborted fetus or male ejaculation when it doesnt pertain to me.
Well that turned quickly from I am not going to debate abortion to debating abortion.

No one has the right to dictate what another human does with their own body and everything that is contained within their own body.
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