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What movies do you think deserve sequels?


New member
Ill start this question off with Baywatch(Zac Efron & Dwayne Johnson) i just finished watching that movie for the first time and holy shit it was a really good movie, I mainly think Baywatch deserves a sequel because Ronnie and CJ end up together and so do Brody and Sunmer i think(Please correct me if I'm wrong), which potentially sets up room for a sequel where let's say Brody and Summer have a son or daughter and they teach their kid to protect and save lives on Baywatch just like they did, I really hope I'm not alone on thinking a sequel should happen


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I wasn’t the biggest fan of that movie, but parts did make me laugh.

I think the new Happy Gilmore sequel has potential, but I would’ve loved a sequel to The Other Guys (Dwayne’s in the beginning of it, too).