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What is wrong with my account?

What is wrong with my account? I registered, and talked to people in the Senior room, then the day before yesterday you erased everything! I can't remember all names/addresses.
Then when I tried to fix it you made me change my password/. I did. And now tonight you won't let me in places because you say my new! password is invalid.
Do you want me or not?
I am looking into your concern. I see nothing wrong with your account. We do not erase things - That sounds more like a Phone Issue, not a 321 issue. We do not have access to all your names and addresses.
I would check your phone (or computer settings)
Perhaps you might also check to make sure you are using the exact password if you try to access 321 again.

It can sometimes seem confusing, I know, but I see no reason for any of this from our end.

Hope you are able to get it all corrected soon.