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VIP on forum, and requesting something


VIP Member

My username on 321chat is the exact same as this one and I'm VIP on the chat site so may I have VIP on here as well?

Also I understand that the rooms have a banner that says what the age restrictions for them are but I've been noticing that adults still get into teen rooms and send really disturbing images or gifs, I understand the rules of the site, I truly do, but I was wondering if some kind of code could be made and added to the system, a code that permanently locks adults out of teen rooms, locks teens out of adult rooms, etc., and disables the ability for users to manually change their age and changes their age on their birthday like Snapchat does? I understand if it's not possible but I've had programming experience so I can make that kind of coding to be added in let's say 4-5 days tops? I'm sorry for the inconvenience if not and thank you
or you can get in trouble on the chatsite and appeal then they'd realize "yo this mf spent 15 bucks just for lil ol me?🥺"
after they do that, they'll still deal your ass though so it isnt recommended even though thats how i got vip on the forum