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Unfair dumb moderator

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Normally I wouldn't come on here to talk about any moderators cause they're all honestly great all of the og mods who have been mods for like ever are honestly the best and the admins. But Millions is honestly so abusive of his power, let's his friends get away with bashing other people and will kick or warn the other person who they aren't friends with and then he'll end up kicking someone just because he doesn't like them and he won't kick them for long but just enough to show he has the power even when it's personal, I've been told you CANT use your power if it's a personal issue between you and a friend that you're arguing with on like another social media. I've been a mod before so I know when a mod isnt doing a great job and honestly should not be a mod, he also 90% stays in other rooms doing absolutely nothing but texting his friends, hes constantly online but pops in teen room one time and when it gets "too much" he goes and hides instead of warning them or maybe asking another mod for help? Other people have been afraid to talk about how crap of a mod he is because they say nobody will do anything or they don't wanna get banned but I'm not cause it isn't fair, he should not be a mod if he does not do what moderators for the chat are suppose to do, yes i understand they can chat and you're suppose to go into a room when texting a friend but 90% of the time knowing YOUR room needs as many mods as possible. People post constant porn in that room to LITTLE KIDS almost every time I'm in there, he seems to be the only active mod for that room and hes never in it, hes complained MULTIPLE times about being a mod, I loved being a mod and helping people and catching all the nasty people, hes chatted with people who are over 21 in the chat without even realizing they ain't allowed in there even after I reported there profile a few times. Another thing is why do older females (19-20) get away with talking to little girls and saying stuff like they wanna get married to them or they love them or they wanna fuck them or they're dating them? Meanwhile the girls they're saying that to are 15-16 sometimes 14. It isn't right. They're still underage. No matter what their sexual orientation is. It isn't appropriate either way. What's to stop them from saying that to a little boy? Sadly this person I'm talking about is friends with admins and such so I can't go to anyone about it but I just rather not be bashed by a hypocrite everytime I'm online when they're so much worse.
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Just saying someone who can't handle it or even do it and only likes it for the coolness of the badge so that people like you more because of it shouldn't be a mod. He doesn't even know what/when to kick or mute people for either, he just warns them a dozen times or argues with them. I was told a long time ago when I was mod we were suppose to take action after warning them 2-3rd time if they continued to try and argue and to not entertain it just to take action but thats literally all he does is argue with people or shit talk them. I've had to tell him numerous times that he's suppose to kick or warn them or do what he's supposed to do, not fight or abuse his power probably why he's even still mod because I sometimes correct him as an ex mod (i'm so sorry if that isn't allowed I just try to help cause he lets people constantly break the rules and I tell him "that isn't allowed so why haven't you took action" then he says oh I forgot or didn't feel like it or because they were his friend. Idk I'm sorry for the rant. I just hate mods like him who do not mod to help keep it a clean and safe place to chat. Azura is a great mod though, wish there were more mods like that!
you should never be afraid to call out a moderator. you have to have balls bro.
im not saying that im supporting your claim on "Millions", hell i only read half of your bachelor essay but if i were you, i would gather as much proof as i can to take him out
you should never be afraid to call out a moderator. you have to have balls bro.
im not saying that im supporting your claim on "Millions", hell i only read half of your bachelor essay but if i were you, i would gather as much proof as i can to take him out
True, but I've even chatted with a few people in main who've said he's abused his power and kicked them just because he was annoyed with them not because they were breaking the rules or being an ass in main and been warned a dozen times nope only cause they were "annoying" but they didn't wanna get banned going to an admin about a mod which is fair because that happens a lot sadly
also, just remember that mods are human. they rarely use logic since they have the ✨buttons✨. if it helps you feel less intimidated, most of them are teenagers going through shit. use that as a strength, not a weakness.
also, just remember that mods are human. they rarely use logic since they have the ✨buttons✨. if it helps you feel less intimidated, most of them are teenagers going through shit. use that as a strength, not a weakness.
Yes mods are humans ♡ but why mod if you rather just be a normal user? Because they like the status and attention it gives them? he literally begs for gold and people will give it to him cause of his status lmao maybe he unban/ unmute /unkicks their friends or something for it or people are just dumb and like the fact he's a mod and wanna get on his good side which he doesn't have a good or bad side. He acts like a normal user who chooses who to kick and who to not kick
That room needs the best dedicated mods who know what they're doing, specifically only that room. Older men and woman go in there constantly and talk to kids IN MAIN, post porn or send them nudes when I'm in adult nobody does that or post porn or what not that I see and when that mod for that specific room (teen room) has the time to do what they literally signed up for since they're online and not just sit in other rooms and talk to your friends 24/7. Teen room needs a mod who's active and he's literally the only one I see who's active but NEVER in teen room. Especially when I'm talking in pms with him and I see a ton of shit happening in main and I report it he doesn't even pop in to take care of it always some other mod who isn't even for that room or even when I tell him in pms he just ignores it
most of the mods are teenagers themselves
im not saying that it matters if they're teenagers, but most of them are immature
thank god assoura mods multiple rooms ontop of teen
I'm glad you are making actual points and not just complaining about a mod kicking you, but I do recommend you fill out the feedback form on top of this. I promise you admins do look at that as well, and you might get an actual response there.


Again, thank you for making actual points and not just complaining about a mod kicking you because God knows that gets you nowhere.
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