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Three Genders

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VIP Member
Sex is inalterable. It's programmed in our genes before birth.
There are two sexes in the human race: male and female. Males produce sperm, whereas females produce eggs.

Gender is alterable. According to current standards, gender is entirely based on someone's validity. It's the behavioural and cultural characteristics that define one's gender.
Because gender is alterable, there should be not two but three genders. Male, female, and gender-bender. Because we're divided into two sexes, it's necessary to have three. It's unrealistic to label someone as a neuter gender as humans are either masculine or feminine, so no more than four should be allowed.

I believe the male sex accompanies masculinity, whereas the female sex accompanies femininity. The male sex is linked with the male gender.
The female sex is linked with the female gender.

Individuals who have an illogical sense of their gender are referred to as gender benders. Their belief is that their gender does not correlate with their sex.
e.g. Someone born of the male sex will identify as the female gender due to their feminine behaviour.

In my opinion, there should be three genders. In your opinion, what do you think?

knight ok GIF

@Dimples I regret any offense I may have caused in my previous posts. I will stop discussing controversial topics in chat.
I hope to continue on forums if I keep the discussion civil. Thanks.
In modern definition, gender is based on one's feelings.

Gender is now alterable. Sex has always been inalterable.

Because gender is such an inconstant matter, it is practical to divide ourselves by sex rather than the emotional state of gender.
We should stop dividing ourselves by gender and start dividing us by sex.

Saul Goodman GIF by Better Call Saul

That bittersweet moment when you realize your opinion doesn't matter but someone reads it anyway. Thanks.
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