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Thoughts on abortions

I'm sooooo bored so I came here just BC. I want to be entertained by "someone". I take back what I said. What's Ur thoughts on abortion? Feel free to give Ur honest opinion. Being a trans woman who's gotten 3 already with my sexual partners I will let yk I won't get offended over Ur views I'm just curious and bored asf
I'd like anyones view on abortion too. Kinda the reason I posted it for everyone to see. Bye.
I want to be entertained by "someone". What's Ur thoughts on abortion? Feel free to give Ur honest opinion.

You're ON and OFF. ON and OFF. I like your questions. I like to type my mind, but come on...

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Alright, If you insist...

I believe that everyone should have the freedom of choice to do what they want with their own bodies. That doesn't mean I support all the degenerate devilry they do to themselves.

I understand there are certain predicaments where abortion is necessary. But many of which can be prevented.
If you don't want the responsibility of raising a child, you should take the proper precautions and use the proper protection to lower your chances of pregnancy.

Abortions are inhumane in every situation someone faces. Any woman who undergoes sexual intercourse deliberately or accidentally and ends up pregnant should bare their child and raise them, no matter the circumstances. That's humane.
There's no logical excuse for murdering the innocent. Just because the mother is filled with doubt and hate doesn't make it right.

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I understand there are certain predicaments where abortion is necessary.

My bad.

I'll elaborate. Abortions should be given when a child is born with severe health issues and there's a high risk of neonatal death.
With the parent's consent, of course...

In all honesty, I'm still debating whether that's inhumane or not. I don't know. I feel ALL abortions are wrong. I'll get back to you.

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I'm sooooo bored so I came here just BC. I want to be entertained by "someone". I take back what I said. What's Ur thoughts on abortion? Feel free to give Ur honest opinion. Being a trans woman who's gotten 3 already with my sexual partners I will let yk I won't get offended over Ur views I'm just curious and bored asf
I'd like anyones view on abortion too. Kinda the reason I posted it for everyone to see. Bye.

1) Dont have kids if you feel you want to get an abortion
2) Put the kid up for adoption instead of killing them.
3) There is no 3 unfortunately
@L_Stupid @Chatter y'all are cringe for calling its murder and cruel. They aren't even alive lol. At least u gave Ur honest opinions ig. @L_Stupid name 3 better options BC adoptions a stupid example. Explain how abortions are cruel. @Chatter istg 10% of the shit u post here would end u where I'm at. U love to hear urself talk lmao. You guys should even things and be a little right wing and a little left wing. Lukewarm. Even. Balanced. U can't go calling women who get abortions murderers it's just ridiculous imo. Please reply asap I'm still bored lol.
I could give two shits if some self-centered whore didn't want a kid.

I wouldn't want one either.

It's not like a fetus has any clue what's going on.

I do hold the view that any woman who gets an abortion should be sterilized afterwards.

Just think of it as population control.
Every one of you self-righteous imbeciles is so goddamn vague with your justifications because none of you have actually read the Bible.

Too slow to educate yourself and too quick to express yourself.

Typical modern-day Christian.
Give the death penalty to incest sex and rape so those crimes lower. Then women wont have so many damn excuses to get an abortion. Then there wont be as many abortions. What's crueler than killing a baby? C'mon now.
I think its sad, If a mom did not want a kid, then they should have never had sex. Sometimes there are times when they are forced but they can also put the kid up for adoption like my birth mother did.
Abortions are the planned terminations of human embryos and human fetuses. Human embryos are human offspring. Human fetuses are human offspring. Therefore, abortion is homicide.

Sterilization should be the penalty for an abortion.

Cat Read GIF
Abortions are the planned terminations of human embryos and human fetuses. Human embryos are human offspring. Human fetuses are human offspring. Therefore, abortion is homicide.

Sterilization should be the penalty for an abortion.

Cat Read GIF
Yeah... It's better if you do it. Not me.
abortions should be a personal choice. although people think they don’t wanna see a life of a baby vanish i understand you and i know that there’s adoption agencies that will find a home or whatever the case may be but sometimes the mom needs it for her own protection sake. i’m trying to sum stuff up but if you don’t understand i’d recommend doing some research yk. anyways, abortion should be allowed.
abortions should be a personal choice. although people think they don’t wanna see a life of a baby vanish i understand you and i know that there’s adoption agencies that will find a home or whatever the case may be but sometimes the mom needs it for her own protection sake. i’m trying to sum stuff up but if you don’t understand i’d recommend doing some research yk. anyways, abortion should be allowed.
Yeah that's what we're saying. People are allowed to have an abortion, but it's still a human life vanishing.

Because a fetus isn't a human legally the parents should be sterilized afterwards as a punishment instead of getting jail time.

Rape victims should be the only exception to get an abortion and not be sterilized.

If people want to be stupid about sex it's on them.

And @Minus was right. Worse punishments lead to less crime. We should give the death penalty to rapists. No doubt.
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While abortion is a contentious issue, women continue to become pregnant unintentionally, and neither a government nor a group of men have the authority to control this. Pregnant, unmarried women risk jail time, humiliation, and even death—a disgrace that affects their families and offspring. Abortion, even though it is prohibited, puts unmarried women at risk for their lives, families, and social standing. Thousands of women sought out and paid for illegal abortions in the 1970s, which may have resulted in illness or death.
Globally, abandoned, malnourished, and mistreated children result in suffering and criminal activity. Governments can prohibit abortion, but they cannot prevent undesired offspring from inflicting harm on others. Laws can compel unfavorable pregnancies, but they cannot guarantee that a child is desired, fed, loved, and cared for, which leads to an increase in criminality and incarceration.
Unplanned pregnancies result from the struggles faced by many mothers who battle drug or alcohol addiction, criminal activity, unemployment, or financial hardships. Slightly more advantageous is the possibility that a severely handicapped child may never walk, talk, see, or think if a fragile or ill mom is forced to die during giving birth.
There wouldn't be a discussion about making abortion illegal if men were solely responsible for all pregnancies, births, and children. The harm that abortions inflict on society is not as great as that caused by unwanted pregnancies, and neither the state nor men should force women to have undesired children.