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The Power of One


VIP Member
My dad being the great dad hat he is - "Buzz you alright son, you seem a bit off these last few week's."

Me - "Dad, are you going to worry about me the rest of your life?"

And this is where the power of one comes in.

My dad says "I don't know" - "I can tell you this" - "I'm going to worry about you one more day and one more after that and so on till, I know your alright."

And so when I went through that my dad called me - I was really broke - my dad goes, "You thinking about quitting?'

And I go, "Yeah I'm close."

He goes, "Just don't quit for one more day."

He's so wise and uhm...

I didn't - and that not quitting for one more day and holding on would go to the next day and the next day - but there were these glimpses in my life where it's like - you know what?

I may not be the smartest or the best talker - I definitely don't have the highest IQ - I'm not the tallest dude or the strongest dude or the best looking dude or any of that.

But I'm not going to get out worked - I'm going to out work you - I'm going to one more rep in the GYM - one more lap in the pool - I'm going to do one more phone call - I'm going to do one more email - I'm going to do one more text - I'm going to do one more...

I'm going to do whatever it takes to achieve my goal's - whether it's here in the chat or in my daily life - Buzz
