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The Monumental Questions that SHOOK the Chat of Threetwoone.

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dan the man

New member
Screenshot 2023-11-22 2.55.37 PM.png
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i alr knew this site was too racist sexist and heterophobic for my requests the 1st time so sorry for my repeated posts

321chat owner @ChatMaster said the rooms i mentioned in my posts were there for various reasons

now id like to know the exact specific various reasons y the only ethnic groups that were given a specific chatroom were asians and africans - asian chat and black chat

and y the only racial group that was given a specific chatroom were indian - indian chat

i bet @ChatMaster cant give me a logical answer i bet he cant give me 3 logical reasons y those chatrooms exist let alone 1 without looking racist asf
nobody can

fyi i alr know all the the chatrooms mentioned allow all ethnic and racial groups access

xd xd
@ChatMaster y did 321chat make asian chat black chat and indian chat but never made white chat?

give me 1 logical reason y 321chat made asian chat black chat and indian chat but never made a white chat without being racist

and ill never come to ur site ever again
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