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The Ignore Option

If it offends you or makes you feel anything negative then put them on ignore, just because it makes you feel this way doesn’t mean it will make everyone else feel this way too
i see what they're trying to say....yes we can ignore but the main issue IS what was said in the first place...and if all we are told by a mod is "use the ignore key" it makes US feel like we're the bad person while the other person is allowed to say whatever...

and in this particular case... i agree that someone wishing some country would perfect eugenics at the same time referring to people as 'thugs' does come off racist
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If it offends you or makes you feel anything negative then put them on ignore, just because it makes you feel this way doesn’t mean it will make everyone else feel this way too

In the past many questionable posts were deleted. Part of may first post states "some posts need to be addressed and maybe deleted".

Young members seeing a certain word may look up the definition and get the wrong ideas implanted in their heads.
As for 'young members seeing a certain word may look up the definition and get the wrong ideas implanted in their heads'
I'm sorry but if they are on an online chat, and on the internet.. they will see many things they should and shouldn't see, that is their parents responsibility to monitor.

'and if all we are told by a mod is "use the ignore key" it makes US feel like we're the bad person while the other person is allowed to say whatever...'
Also this comment - you are grown men.
There is no 'bad person' - we are not here to be your parents.
We say use your ignores so main can continue flowing freely for everyone else without the nonsense. It's not a punishment.
Then the mod will decide if the issue needs to be followed up etc - remember some mods also mod in PM, and will PM the chatter to discuss it - its not always done in main for everyone to jump in and create chaos on.
If a mod feels the need to act after saying use your ignores, they will. But being told to use your ignore will mostly be suggested first to stop the nonsense until they get look into it.

After having read the screen shot comments there is no place within this site where those thoughts/remarks would be acceptable after doin a quick Google search of Eugenics - as I, along with DynamicDylan would be a part of those effected as defined -

The study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups.

Personally that post should have been removed and the sender should have at the very least been warned that their statements were both racist and hate speech and that it was inappropriate and unacceptable here. They should then have been told what the consequences will be if there were any further inappropriate/racist/hate speech post.

Just placing the user on ignore does not solve the problem and continues to allow the user to continue their inappropriate post till someone else flags em and hopefully the appropriate action is taken.

Just my thoughts as a young gay man.

As for 'young members seeing a certain word may look up the definition and get the wrong ideas implanted in their heads'
I'm sorry but if they are on an online chat, and on the internet.. they will see many things they should and shouldn't see, that is their parents responsibility to monitor.

'and if all we are told by a mod is "use the ignore key" it makes US feel like we're the bad person while the other person is allowed to say whatever...'
Also this comment - you are grown men.
There is no 'bad person' - we are not here to be your parents.
We say use your ignores so main can continue flowing freely for everyone else without the nonsense. It's not a punishment.
Then the mod will decide if the issue needs to be followed up etc - remember some mods also mod in PM, and will PM the chatter to discuss it - its not always done in main for everyone to jump in and create chaos on.
If a mod feels the need to act after saying use your ignores, they will. But being told to use your ignore will mostly be suggested first to stop the nonsense until they get look into it.


This site has an option to make sure young members don't have to see certain things. When an unsuitable pic is posted, in any room, it is deleted. As a "grown man" I would hope that option would be used under other circumstances.

Just my thoughts on this matter.
After having read the screen shot comments there is no place within this site where those thoughts/remarks would be acceptable after doin a quick Google search of Eugenics - as I, along with DynamicDylan would be a part of those effected as defined -

The study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups.

Personally that post should have been removed and the sender should have at the very least been warned that their statements were both racist and hate speech and that it was inappropriate and unacceptable here. They should then have been told what the consequences will be if there were any further inappropriate/racist/hate speech post.

Just placing the user on ignore does not solve the problem and continues to allow the user to continue their inappropriate post till someone else flags em and hopefully the appropriate action is taken.

Just my thoughts as a young gay man.

Well said Buzz.
After having read the screen shot comments there is no place within this site where those thoughts/remarks would be acceptable after doin a quick Google search of Eugenics - as I, along with DynamicDylan would be a part of those effected as defined -

The study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups.

Personally that post should have been removed and the sender should have at the very least been warned that their statements were both racist and hate speech and that it was inappropriate and unacceptable here. They should then have been told what the consequences will be if there were any further inappropriate/racist/hate speech post.

Just placing the user on ignore does not solve the problem and continues to allow the user to continue their inappropriate post till someone else flags em and hopefully the appropriate action is taken.

Just my thoughts as a young gay man.

same person has said many phobic and racist comments in chat but quickly deletes them
there are others in that room posting about certain politicians should be shot and killed, etc..... i know its a good thing to have politics talk sent to politics rooms so as not to incite rants in other rooms, but damn....reading some of the stuff in there lately...it's downright violent and disturbing
The other issue with ignore you have no way of being aware of anything else they say including about yourself - and if they lie about you there’s no comeback because you don’t even know it’s happened! Ignore actually puts you at a disadvantage- who’s going to do that - is why I only ever ignore guests who are inappropriate in pm’s as I feel they won’t be around long anyway!
The other issue with ignore you have no way of being aware of anything else they say including about yourself - and if they lie about you there’s no comeback because you don’t even know it’s happened! Ignore actually puts you at a disadvantage- who’s going to do that - is why I only ever ignore guests who are inappropriate in pm’s as I feel they won’t be around long anyway!
Yes that is true but you don't have to permanently have someone on ignore just for a while if you prefer while the drama pass over ; myself if someone says something that seems untrue about a chatter I'll contact them about it to make sure no lies are going against another chatter but besides at the end of the day we are just here to have fun and chat while trying to leave drama at the other door

Yes that is true but you don't have to permanently have someone on ignore just for a while if you prefer while the drama pass over ; myself if someone says something that seems untrue about a chatter I'll contact them about it to make sure no lies are going against another chatter but besides at the end of the day we are just here to have fun and chat while trying to leave drama at the other door

Yeah I do ignore but with gritted teeth rather than ignore button! 😂
Yeah I do ignore but with gritted teeth rather than ignore button! 😂
The one time that didn’t work was when a chatter claimed I’d said something hurtful about another chatter in pm ( I never pm them at all) because I didn’t ignore I said in main you have my permission to screen shot this ‘pm’ and post it on main - that put an end to it because they couldn’t of course - if I’d put them on ignore I wouldn’t have known about it.
@Keeping Active All users have free will. If they don't like what they see, they can easily ignore and report it. Instead of making matters worse with petty complaints. Get over it. It's all history. It's a chat. What people write is on them. They have the choice to follow or break the rules. Eventually they'll be dealt with. Defending yourself is fine, if you're civil about it. Majority of the time the ignore option's the best choice. They'll stop if nobody listens.
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Yes, we can choose to place others on "ignore" if we decided to do so. Sorry, but I believe some posts need to be addressed and maybe deleted. Especially those concerning racism.

The following was posted and probably is still available for all to see. It pertains to a members view on Eugenics.
idk that nick posted stuff like that,he was the first one i talked to when i went to a certain room,The things he said made me evan more paranoid than i already am,lol.i put so many on ignore when i don't know them,And putting people on ignore slows things down for me and i don't get stressed out by triing to read a bunch of post going by,it stresses me out triing to read what everyone is saying so if i ignore but just a few it lot better for me personally.
The other issue with ignore you have no way of being aware of anything else they say including about yourself - and if they lie about you there’s no comeback because you don’t even know it’s happened! Ignore actually puts you at a disadvantage- who’s going to do that - is why I only ever ignore guests who are inappropriate in pm’s as I feel they won’t be around long anyway!
well i should never care about what people say about me ,If i get insulted by others post i just take the high ground and leave.After some time things simmer down and it gets where i can not take things serious anymore.People have a problem if they insult others,Best for me not to let thier mental dis -ease be my own,Shallow and mean hearted people insult in an attempt to get a response.It like babies that cry when they are hungry or have not had enough sleep.We don't know what's really going on in thier heads that make them act the way they do,I do my best to ignore them but i'm only human,But it is for my own best interest to walk away,When i retaliate it is like i am saying to myself there is something to defend against when in truth there is not.
Yes, we can choose to place others on "ignore" if we decided to do so. Sorry, but I believe some posts need to be addressed and maybe deleted. Especially those concerning racism.

The following was posted and probably is still available for all to see. It pertains to a members view on Eugenics.
Ignorance is bliss