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The Hate This Man Has

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I'm a lesbian and the owner of this company made me feel terrible so I left a review about a year ago. I just saw and he was calling me a man's name and some other threats about lawyers I was about to cry. I don't know why people are so evil. Please send him a message or review this business should not be standing. Thanks for any help I don't know what else to do.

Check out this review of <link removed details removed do not post again>
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I dont think harassing their business is the way to go about this.
And I really don't think encouraging others to engage in harassment is remotely ethical or morally appropriate.
He harassed me then I left a bad review ruined my tattoo his service + work is awful. Then he has the nerve to respond to my review like he's a Saint. I simply reviewed his service. I'm getting harassed now he found my number from file and sent this:
I'm a lesbian and doesn't make sense who the hell does this and what do you do roll over and take it?
I dont think harassing their business is the way to go about this.
And I really don't think encouraging others to engage in harassment is remotely ethical or morally appropriate.
Where's the encouragement for doing so? When did I say "let's harass this guy?" You interpreted it that way.. I'm explaining a situation that's continually ruining me. Thanks for the support! Go connect some more imaginary dots I'm sure you're a lifesaver.
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